This is the websocket component of Kubecord. It is responsible for capturing events from the Discord websocket, forwarding them to NATS queues, and keeping the Redis cache consistent. Borrowed heavily from discordgo by bwmarrin.
Checkout the code
git clone
Ensure you have go module support enabled
export GO111MODULE=on;
Build the binary
go build -o kubecord-ws
Checkout the code
git clone
Build the container
docker build -t kubecord-ws .
Binaries will be provided once this project is at a point where we are confident that it meets most of our desired functionality. We will distribute them as releases on this repo, and as Docker containers available on Docker Hub.
To run the websocket handler, you must set three required environment variables:
- Your bots tokenREDIS_ADDR
- The address to your redis server or clusterNATS_ADDR
- The address to your NATS server or cluster
export TOKEN=mytokenhere
export REDIS_ADDR=localhost:6379
export NATS_ADDR=localhost
docker run -e "TOKEN=mytokenhere" -e "REDIS_ADDR=localhost:6379" -e "NATS_ADDR=localhost" -d kubecord-ws
To contribute, please join our Discord server, you can find a link on the meta repo