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Clipton (Clipboard Manager)


Clipton helps you go back to previous clipboard text.

It has 2 modes: the Rofi menu, and the clipboard watcher.

The clipboard watcher is used to save copied text automatically.

The Rofi menu is used to view and select saved items.

You can type something to filter the items.

When an item is selected it is copied to the clipboard.

Then you can paste it anywhere you want.

It can delete individual items or all items.

It has some extra features like joining items.

It can also convert text automatically.

It only deals with text, not binary files.

It has only been tested on X11 and not Wayland.


First install xclip and rofi (Third-party programs):

sudo pacman -S xclip rofi

These are needed for clipboard capabilities and to display the interface.


If you are on Arch you can use the AUR package.

You can also install it through pipx:

pipx install git+ --force

This should provide the clipton command.

And it should copy the systemd service file.


Clone this repo somewhere:

git clone --depth=1

Place in /usr/bin/clipton or somewhere in your path.

Place clipton.service inside ~/.config/systemd/user/.

Reload: systemctl --user daemon-reload


Start the watcher with systemctl --user start clipton.

Make it autostart with systemctl --user enable clipton.

Restart it after an update with systemctl --user restart clipton.

Stop it (for some reason) with systemctl --user stop clipton.

If you want to start the watcher manually use clipton watcher.

Launch the Rofi menu with clipton.

Add a keyboard shortcut (somehow) to run clipton.

For example bind it to Ctrl + Backtick.

The config directory is ~/.config/clipton/.

The items, settings, and converters are placed there.


The settings file is ~/.config/clipton/settings.toml.

It uses the TOML format and is not required to be edited.

Check the Settings class in for the default values.

Override the settings you want to change by adding them to settings.toml:

max_items = 250
enable_titles = false
rofi_width = "50%"


Converters are functions that automatically change copied text to something else.

They are python files that reside in ~/.config/clipton/converters/.

Check out converters/ for an example.

The function that is called is convert(text: str) -> str.

If nothing is converted it must return an empty string.

Add or remove the converter files you want to enable/disable.

There's a script to copy all included converters to the config directory.

If the setting save_originals is enabled, the original text is also saved.

It's saved as Original :: <text> and it's placed below the converted text.

If the converted item is no longer the first item, the original is removed.


There's 3 icons that appear next to the text items.

A green icon means the text is a single line.

A red icon means the text has multiple lines.

A blue globe icon means the text is a URL.

The icons are settings and can be changed in the settings file.

If you set them to an empty string they won't be used.

You can disable all icons by setting show_icons to false.

Copy Title

When a URL item has a title, you can copy it by using Shift + Enter.