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March (🔧️ work-in-progress 🔧️)

It is still in its early stages of development and currently contains only core functionality. It is under heavy development.


Allow delivering UI changes from any thread without thinking about lifecycle.

A tool that allows update UI from your presentation layer and encapsulates handling lifecycle aware behavior of Activity or Fragment.

How it works:

  • send data with postValue(value: T)
  • subscribe on channel with invoking observe(observer: (T) -> Unit)
  • on destroying Activity/Fragment, channel will unregister all his observers
  • create new channels with DataChannelFactory

There are two type of channels - StateChannel and EventChannel.


  • subscriber will be notified only with unique values (with creating channel just set rules of comparison, by default is used equals)
  • all subscriber will be notified with last state in channel
  • guarantee that subscriber will be notified with last state
  • not guarantee that subscriber will be notified with all elements (if state still proceed, that new state will not be emitted)

Assume that will be used in situation like:

  • update text
  • update RecyclerView
  • show/hide view


  • guarantee that subscriber will be notified with all events
  • subscriber will be notified with last unobserved event in channel
  • if last event will be observed, new subscriber will not get update on it

Assume that will be used in situation like:

  • show toast
  • show snackbar/dialog etc
  • navigation (like add new fragment or start new activity)


Used for logic implementation and saving current state of UI (domain layer)


  • Lifecycle of Interactor is tied on feature screen, not on Activity or Fragment.
  • Handle configuration changes (like changed orientation)
  • on opening feature screen, create() will be invoked, and destroy() on closing


  • inherit your class from interface Interactor
  • obtain your class through InteractorObtainer via method obtain
  • method obtain accepts lambda as parameter to create an instance of your interactor
  • inside lambda create a new instance of interactor through constructor
  • instance of your interactor will be created only once when user will be on feature screen, and will be reused on all configuration changes
  • lambda creator gets implementation of DataChannelFactory for creating a new DataChannel inside your interactor


This library is available on jcenter, so you need to add this repository to your root build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {

Add one of the following dependency:

dependencies {

    //core for java modules
    implementation 'ru.mail.march:core:0.0.2-alpha'

    //core-android for android modules
    implementation 'ru.mail.march:core-android:0.0.2-alpha'