Simple library that parses BER-TLV (as String or byte[] array) into a TLV structure for easy handling
- Requires Java 17 LTS.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Generate the jar package with maven
mvn package
- Import the jar to your project
reading the test cases are enough to learn how to handle TLVs with this library, the usage is pretty straigthforward
Use the parse static method to break (decode) the TLV unstructured data into a List of immutable TLV objects.
- Take a look at the class in the test directory
Use the TLV constructor passing the tag name and data value as hexadecimals Strings to generate a TLV object.
- Take a look at the class in the test directory
Use the format static method to encode a List into byte[] array, ready to be sent over the network.
- Take a look at the class in the test directory
- Generate the maven site with javadoc under ./target/site directory
mvn javadoc:javadoc
mvn site
- If Maven javadoc generation is broken, run the javadoc command and go to ./target/javadocsrc:
javadoc -d .\target\javadocsrc .\src\main\java\io\github\marciocg\jtlv\
javadoc -d ./target/javadocsrc ./src/main/java/io/github/marciocg/jtlv/
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details
Inspiration and references: