echo " \
create database \"yesod-benchmark\"; \
create user \"yesod-benchmark\" with password 'yesod-benchmark'; \
grant all on database \"yesod-benchmark\" to \"yesod-benchmark\";" \
| psql
run the following command:
cabal install -j --enable-tests --max-backjumps=-1 --reorder-goals; and yesod devel
for l in 'en' 'nl'; \
set lorem (curl; \
for i in (seq 20); \
psql 'yesod-benchmark' -c "insert into employee (ident, title, content, firstname, lastname, lang) \
values ('$i', 'Employee $i', '$lorem', 'Voornaam', 'Achternaam', '$l');"; \
end; \
set lorem (curl; \
for i in (seq 15); \
psql 'yesod-benchmark' -c "insert into project (ident, title, content, url, customer, lang) \
values ('$i', 'Project $i', '$lorem', 'http://dummy.url', 'Klant', '$l');"; \
end; \