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A base rails application with Postgres, Bootstrap, Rubocop, RSpec, Passenger, and CircleCI


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Rails Style Guide


Test Coverage


  • Ruby 3.0.3
  • Rails 7.0.2
  • Bundler 2.2.32
  • psql 14.2
  • npm 8.5.2
  • yarn 1.22.17

What is this app, anyway?


I have found that sometimes I want to play with making a new Rails app, with the knowledge that it may go somewhere, but then again, it may not. I know from experience that having things like testing and a code linter are easier to have at the beginning of a project, rather than adding them in the middle, but adding them separately for each experiment significantly increases the start-up time and cost, and a low start-up cost is a huge benefit of Rails!

So, this application is intended to be my own opinion on what every Rails app should start with. My hope is that each time I want to do a new experiment, I can clone this repository and have most of the things I want ready to roll, rather than having to add all the testing and other infrastructure from scratch.

What's been added

  • Postgres database
  • Bootstrap for styling
  • Rubocop as a code linter
  • RSpec for testing
  • Capybara for System tests (not currently set up for Selenium, just uses :rack_test)
  • Passenger for the application server
  • CircleCI for continuous integration
  • Procfiles that work for development and deployment with Heroku. I'm not positive how well they would work with other stacks.
  • A rudimentary Welcome controller, route, and view, so that we can ensure that the application can deploy and run tests
  • SimpleCov for code coverage

How to create a new app based on this app

  • Decide on a name for your new application - for example purposes, let's call it my-app
  • Clone the repository git clone [email protected]:maxkadel/opinionated-rails.git
  • Make the directory for the new application mkdir my-app
  • Copy the application recursively to new app's location cp -r opinionated-rails/* my-app
  • Copy hidden files and directories to new app's location (on Mac at least these are not copied with command above, this may differ based on operating system) cp -r opinionated-rails/.[^.]* my-app
  • Go into the new application directory cd my-app
  • Remove existing .git directory rm -rf .git (I don't know if this technically voids some license, but I hereby give you my blessing, maybe just throw a note somewhere about what you started from.)
  • Start tracking again - for GitHub, follow these instructions -
  • Change names - NOTE: All of the find-and-replaces should use match case
  • Follow the instructions for running in development, from the gem bundle step
  • If you want to use Heroku for deploys, run
heroku create
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby  
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs

Running in development

These instructions are for if you want to play with this app as-is, without trying to create your own based on it.

First time setup

  • Clone the repository git clone [email protected]:maxkadel/opinionated-rails.git
  • Go into application directory cd opinionated-rails
  • Install gem bundle bundle install
  • Database creation - ensure you have a Postgres service running
    • bundle exec rails db:create
    • bundle exec rails db:migrate
  • Bring up the application - can change how this occurs in

Running the tests

RSpec tests

  • All the tests - bundle exec rspec
  • Single test - bundle exec rspec spec/path/to/test.rb

Code linter - Rubocop

  • To list offenses - bundle exec rubocop
  • To auto-correct eligible offenses bundle exec rubocop -a

Handy command line checks

  • Validate CircleCI configuration without having to commit it first
circleci config validate
  • Run CodeClimate in debug mode, without reporting
CODECLIMATE_DEBUG=1 codeclimate analyze

Deployment instructions

This application deploys with Heroku. For info on relevant Heroku commands, see

git push heroku main
heroku run rake db:migrate

Building this app

  • create gemset
rvm create 3.0.3@opinionated-rails --create
  • get rails
gem install rails
  • Ensure we're using recent versions of dependencies
$> ruby -v  
ruby 3.0.3p157 // you need at least version 3 here  
$> bundle -v  
Bundler version 2.2.32  
$> npm -v  
8.5.2 // you need at least version 7.1 here  
$> yarn -v  
$> psql --version  
psql (PostgreSQL) 14.2 // lets use a production-ready database locally  
  • create new rails app
rails new opinionated-rails --database=postgresql --skip-test --css=bootstrap
  • go into the application directory
cd opinionated-rails
  • Create application database
bundle exec rake db:create
  • Create simple Welcome controller, route, and index page in order to be able to see if app is working as expected

  • Start application in development mode

  • Initialize git repository for version control
git init
git add .
git commit -m "init"
git remote add origin [email protected]:maxkadel/opinionated-rails.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
  • Change application server to passenger
  • Ensure that application can deploy to Heroku
heroku login
heroku create
echo "web: bundle exec passenger start -p $PORT --max-pool-size 3" >> Procfile
bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby  
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
git add . && git commit -m 'Add Passenger and prepare for production'
git push heroku main
  • Verify that application looks as expected on Heroku
  • Add rspec
    • Add gem to development and test portion of gemfile
bundle install
rails generate rspec:install
  • Add rubocop
    • Add gems to development and test portion of gemfile
bundle install
  • Create configuration files - .rubocop-rails.yml, .rubocop.yml
  • Add Rubocop badge to readme
  • Run rubocop autocorrect and get rubocop green
  • Add Capybara to enable system tests
  • Add CircleCI
  • Add SimpleCov and CodeClimate for coverage and other metrics


A base rails application with Postgres, Bootstrap, Rubocop, RSpec, Passenger, and CircleCI







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