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theJ3H edited this page Jul 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

RedisBungee is the leading player synchronization system for BungeeCord.

RedisBungee adds several new commands and modifies the behaviour of others.

Command Permission Node Description
/glist bungeecord.command.list /glist by itself will only give you a player count. /glist showall will display all players.
/find bungeecord.command.find /find has not been modified in any substantial way.
/lastseen redisbungee.command.lastseen /lastseen allows you to see how long ago someone was on.
/ip redisbungee.command.ip /ip allows you to find the IP of a currently online player.
/sendtoall redisbungee.command.sendtoall /sendtoall allows you to execute a BungeeCord command on all your networks.
/serverid redisbungee.command.serverid /serverid returns the current RedisBungee instance you are on.
/serverids redisbungee.command.serverids /serverids returns all server IDs in the network.
/pproxy redisbungee.command.pproxy /pproxy will return the proxy a player is connected to.
/plist redisbungee.command.plist /plist acts like /glist, but operates on players currently online on a proxy. It accepts an additional proxy argument, i.e. /plist, /plist atl1, and /plist atl1 showall all work on atl1.
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