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Project pitch

Define and reuse Cardano DApp logic via annotated CEM-machines, resulting in free implementations for:

  • On-chain scripts
  • Tx building/submission/resubmission on L1/emulated testnet
  • Tx parsing/indexing
  • Automatically testing invariants
  • Human-readable specs


Building is performed with cabal. Building requires libblst and libsodium installed.

Arch Linux has libblst in AUR, nix are exemplified by IOHK, and manual installation is described here:

Make sure to cabal update before building.

The project uses github:input-output-hk/devx to make the development shell. See .envrc for details.

Running tests

Tests are runned in emulated environment by default.

Just run: cabal test.

For development and fast response once could consider ghcid.

Starting local devnet

Tests depend on localdevnet, which is runned in Docker. To start it do:

docker-compose  -f docker-compose.devnet.yaml up
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ./devnet/

Devnet stalling bug

Sometimes devnet stalls, due to some bug, in that case one should restart it, and wipe directory ./devnet/db. To look for stalling one could check: CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=./devnet/node.socket cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 42. For properly working devnet slots should change and sync be marked as 100%.

On this bug:

Project status

Project is in early development stage and is funded by Catalyst proposal. Detailed milestones of proposal and their status are available as well.