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Self-Driving Car Project

This repository contains multiple projects for self driving car.


  • Lane Lines Detector
  • Traffic Light Classifier
  • Behavioral Cloning
  • Advanced Lane Finding

Lane Lines Detector

The goal of this first project was to create a simple pipeline to detect road lines in a frame taken from a roof-mounted camera. A short demo video can be found here.

This project does not include any machine learning, just old school computer vision techniques.

Image processing pipeline goes something like this:

  1. Convert images to grayscale.
  2. Darken the images with Gamma correction method.
  3. Convert the original image to HSL and isolate white and yellow mask.
  4. Combine masks using OR operation and then combine them with original image using AND operation.
  5. Apply Gaussian blur to an image with kernel size 5.
  6. Use Canny Edge Detection algorithm to detect edges.
  7. Define the area of interest on the image. (Lower part due to camera position)
  8. Apply Hough Transform technique to extract lines.

Final resault

Traffic Light Classifier

The goal of this project was to build a CNN in TensorFlow to classify traffic sign images from the German Traffic Sign Dataset.

For image preprocessing, I used standard methods such as grayscaling and normalization. I also used CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization) because the distribution of sign images was not ideal.

As proposed in the lab I implemented two network architectures, LeNet5 and VGG16, and compared their results.


I trained LeNet architecture for 50 epochs, with batch size 128 and it gave 97% accuracy on validation set.
