You can either specify the URLs of the repositories you want to scan as command-line arguments. Alternatively, the tool will prompt you to enter the URL if none are provided.
The tool extracts the username and repository name from the provided URL.
It then retrieves the list of workflows defined within the repository using the GitHub API.
Each workflow is downloaded and analyzed for the presence of the ${{ ... }} syntax within the run and uses commands of job steps.
Workflows containing this syntax are considered potentially vulnerable as they might be susceptible to injection attacks.
The tool displays the results, indicating whether any vulnerable workflows were found.
If vulnerabilities are detected, it lists the names of the affected workflows for further investigation.
Clone the repository or save the script as a Python file.
Install required libraries:
pip install requests rich argparse
Run the script from the command line, specifying repository URLs as arguments:
python check_workflow_vulnerability.py https://github.com/your-username/your-repo-1 https://github.com/your-username/your-repo-2
Alternatively, run the script without arguments to be prompted for the repository URL.
- This tool is provided for validation purposes only, always remember to obtain authorization to perform testing.
- The author is not responsible for the use of this tool for illegal purposes