Configurable Rails Console Helpers
Find records faster, add custom helpers, improve your console life by 100%.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rails_console_toolkit'
And then generate the initializer:
$ bin/rails generate rails_console_toolkit:install
or write it manually:
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
# helper definitions go here...
# config.use_pack :aliases
# config.use_pack :utils
# config.use_pack :solidus if defined? Spree
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
config.use_pack :aliases
> x # alias exit
> r # alias reload!
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
config.use_pack :utils
> benchmark("foo") { sleep 3 }
foo (3000.6ms)
=> 3
> bm # alias benchmark
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
config.use_pack :solidus
> load_factories # will load solidus factories, useful to create dummy data in development
> product(...) # => will look for Spree::Product records by :id, :slug, :name
> variant(...) # => will look for Spree::Variant records by :id, :sku
> taxon(...) # => will look for Spree::Taxon records by :id, :permalink
> order(...) # => will look for Spree::Order records by :id, :number
> user(...) # => will look for Spree::User records by :id, :email
> country(...) # => will look for Spree::Country records by :id, :iso, :iso3, :iso_name, :name
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
config.helper :foo do
# bin/rails console
> foo # => :bar
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
config.alias :r, :reload!
# bin/rails console
> r # The same as typing "reload!"
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
config.model_helper 'Spree::Product', as: :product, by: %i[name slug]
# bin/rails console
> product('black-tshirt') # => #<Spree::Product id: 123, name: "Black T-Shirt", slug: "black-tshirt", …>
> product.slug # => "black-tshirt"
> product 456 # => #<Spree::Product id: 456, name: "Red T-Shirt", slug: "red-tshirt", …>
> product.slug # => "red-tshirt"
# config/initializers/console.rb
RailsConsoleToolkit.configure do |config|
# Will define an alias :x for "exit"
config.use_pack :aliases
config.remove_helper :x
# bin/rails console
> x # NameError (undefined local variable or method \`x' for main:Object)
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
This project is funded and maintained by the Nebulab team.
We firmly believe in the power of open-source. Contact us if you like our work and you need help with your project design or development.