A simple script to insert Pandas DataFrames into Neo4j graphs. There are 2 modes :
Batch Insert : Write nodes and edges to .csv files and call batch insert Py2Neo API
Sequential Insert : Insert node by node, after finishing with nodes, move on inserting edges.
Environment: Python 2.7, Unix, Neo4J 2.2
Step 1:
Edit the follow configurations in "py2neo4j.py":
serverURL = 'localhost:7474'
dbURL = 'http://localhost:7474/db/data'
account = "neo4j"
password = "conchimnon"
nodename = "Person"
edgename = "RATED"
source_name = "Person"
dest_name = "Person"
Step 2: At root folder, run the following command:
python py2neo4j.py