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Lispyville User Manual

Recent Changes

2018-01-20: s-operators key theme has been removed

The operators key theme now remaps commands instead of directly binding keys, so there is no longer a need for a separate s-operators key theme.

About LispyVille

Welcome to LispyVille!

lispyville.el’s main purpose is to provide a lisp-editing environment suited towards evil users. It can serve as a minimal layer on top of lispy-mode for better integration with evil, but it does not require use of lispy’s keybinding style. The provided commands allow for editing lisp in normal state and will work even without lispy-mode enabled. If you are just looking for a way to prevent evil’s operators from unbalancing parentheses, you can enable lispyville-mode in your configuration and just ignore the rest of its features.

Here are the main features of lispyville:

  • Provides “safe” versions of vim’s yank, delete, and change related operators that won’t unbalance parentheses
  • Provides lisp-related evil operators, commands, motions, and text objects
  • Integrates evil with lispy by providing commands to more easily switch between normal state and lispy’s “special” context/mode and by providing options for integrating visual state with lispy’s special region mode

Note that this package does not create any new evil states; it assumes that the user will be using lispy in insert or emacs state.

Comparison with Evil Cleverparens

lispyville.el has a similar intent to evil-cleverparens and related packages. It creates “safe” versions of standard evil editing commands. For example, it ensures that dd will not unbalance parenthesis but instead only delete the “safe” portion of the line. This allows the evil’s line-oriented commands to become far more useful for lisps.

The primary difference between lispyville and other similar packages is that it uses lispy instead of smartparens or paredit. This matters because lispyville is primarily intended to be used in conjunction with lispy. Lispy already has a lot in common with evil. Unlike smartparens and paredit, lispy’s primary keybindings are just letters. It may help to think of lispy as just an additional evil state. The main difference from an evil state is that lispy’s “special” is contextually based on the point (special is when the point is before an opening delimiter, after a closing delimiter, or when there is an active region).

However, if you’d rather stick to mainly vim keybindings, lispyville will also eventually provide “key themes” to replicate all of evil-cleverparens’ keybindings as well as the keybindings of some other popular evil/lisp editing packages. I also plan to add key themes that are more similar to lispy’s keybindings.

The other main reason I created this package is that I found the implementation of safe operators in other packages to be confusing and buggy. Lispyville uses a simple/clear method of acting on regions with unmatched delimiters and attempts to intelligently handle all edge cases. Please make an issue if you find any abnormalities or have any suggestions for improvement.

Finally, note that although smartparens is generic and lispy is meant for lisps, this package’s safe operators should work correctly in non-lisp modes as well. If you encounter any problems or would like a separate mode dedicated for non-lisp modes, feel free to make an issue.

Relationship with Lispy

While lispyville can be used without lispy-mode, some additional setup may be required to make editing lisp comfortable. For example, ( would need to be explicitly bound to lispy-parens for auto-pairing behavior (and the other functionality provided by lispy-pair). If your gripe with lispy is its style of having “special” locations where letter keys act as commands, you can still use lispy-mode for the “normal” keybindings it provides by not using special in your lispy “key theme”:

(lispy-set-key-theme '(lispy c-digits))

You can always override these keybindings later.

Basic Configuration

Lispyville is a minor mode. To enable it wherever lispy is enabled, you can add the following to your configuration:

(add-hook 'lispy-mode-hook #'lispyville-mode)

Lispyville can also be used without lispy:

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'lispyville-mode)
(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook #'lispyville-mode)
;; ...

Here is an example configuration with use-package and general that adds additional keybindings.

(use-package lispyville
  (general-add-hook '(emacs-lisp-mode-hook lisp-mode-hook) #'lispyville-mode)
  (lispyville-set-key-theme '(operators c-w additional)))

Safe Operators

The operators behave similarly to evil-cleverparens’ operators with a few exceptions. The delete operator will always act safely by ignoring unmatched delimiters, whereas cleverparens will sometimes splice. While cleverparens’ yank operators will attempt to add unmatched delimiters, lispyville’s yank operators will simply exclude the unmatched delimiters, which is consistent with how the delete operator works. The operators will also work in visual block mode, unlike with cleverparens. The user can also choose whether or not they want to act safely on delimiters in strings and comments (see Lispy Settings).

Y acts like a safe y$ unlike in evil and cleverparens. If anyone takes issue with this change, I can add a command for its regular functionality, but I think most people dislike the default inconsistency between Y and D in vim.

Additionally, I think that the function used for safe behavior is a lot more sanely implemented in lispyville than in other related packages (it intelligently analyzes a region once instead of repeatedly calling check-parens).

I’ve added this functionality directly to lispy, and if you want lispy’s copy, delete, and/or paste commands to keep parentheses balanced, you can set the relevant options for lispy (see Lispy Settings).

Key Themes

By default, the only keys that lispyville remaps are the operators and C-w. To allow for the user to choose between various sets of keybindings without making them manually remap every command, lispyville provides “key themes” similarly to how lispy does.

The user can still define commands in lispyville-mode using evil-define-key or something like general, but lispyville-set-key-theme can also be used to define keys. It takes one argument which is a list of symbols corresponding to the different themes. By default, most commands will be mapped in the normal (and visual) state. The default states are listed below. To change them, a list of the key theme symbol and the states to map the keys in can be specified instead.

As an example, the following command will map the “operators” theme in the normal and visual states, the “escape” theme in just the insert state, and the “additional-movement” theme in the normal, visual, and motion states:

(with-eval-after-load 'lispyville
     (escape insert)
     (additional-movement normal visual motion))))

Note that you will generally not need to change the states. It is usually unnecessary to bind keys in both normal and visual state because keys bound in normal state are inherited in visual state. Similarly, keys bound in motion state are inherited in the normal and visual (and operator) states. As an example, the ) motion is bound only in evil-motion-state-map. The lispyville ) motion is also only bound in motion state. However, if you were to bind a custom ) motion in evil-visual-state-map, for example, it would override lispyville’s ). Most users will not have to worry about this issue as this customization is unlikely to be useful (more likely it would come as the result of the user or some package unnecessarily binding a motion in visual state), but this is a case where you would need to alter the states if you wanted lispyville’s motion to have precedence:

(evil-define-key 'visual 'global
  ")" #'my-custom-motion)

;; if `lispyville-up-list' should be used instead of `my-custom-motion' in
;; visual state when `lispyville-mode' is active:
(lispyville-set-key-theme '((additional-movement motion visual)))
;; or just
(evil-define-key 'visual lispyville-mode-map
  ")" #'lispyville-up-list)

If you find yourself having to do this because a package explicitly binds motions in normal or visual state, you should probably make an issue for that package. Finally, note that this is not applicable when [remap] is used. For key themes that use [remap], the states do not matter.

lispyville-set-key-theme will not reset lispyville’s keymap, so it will not remove user-defined keybindings (unless they are overwritten by a key in one of the themes). The keybindings will be added in the order of the list, so if there is overlap between the listed themes, the one listed last will take precedence.

Operators Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is operators. There are no default states; any state where these operators are bound will be affected. These are safe versions of the corresponding evil operators that won’t unbalance parentheses.

Like with cleverparens, dd will bring closing delimiters that are on a line by themselves to the previous line while cc won’t. On lines with unmatched opening or closing delimiters, cc will put the point after the opening delimiters or before the closing delimiters.

[remap evil-yank]lispyville-yank
[remap evil-delete]lispyville-delete
[remap evil-change]lispyville-change
[remap evil-yank-line]lispyville-yank-line
[remap evil-delete-line]lispyville-delete-line
[remap evil-change-line]lispyville-change-line
[remap evil-delete-char]lispyville-delete-char-or-splice
[remap evil-delete-backward-char]lispyville-delete-char-or-splice-backwards
[remap evil-substitute]lispyville-substitute
[remap evil-change-whole-line]lispyville-change-whole-line
[remap evil-join]lispyville-join

In particular, J implements a safe version of the evil-join operator, which preserves structure by always placing uncommented regions to the left of line comments, avoiding the scenario of an unbalanced line being joined to the inline comment above it.

;; before (cursor at |)
|(foo  ; bar

;; after "J":
(foo| baz) ; bar

To “slurp” following line(s) into the commented region in the usual manner, first explicitly comment them out with lispyville-comment-or-uncomment, which moves unbalanced delimiters out of the way (refer to the commentary theme). lispyville-join will then splice the comments together, removing any intermediate whitespace and comment syntax.

;; initial state (cursor at |)
(foo  ; bar

;; "gcc"
(foo  ; bar
 |;; quux

;; "kJ"
(foo  ; bar| quux

;; "J"
(foo)|  ; bar quux

C-w Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is c-w. There are no default states; any state where evil-delete-backward-word is bound will be affected. This is the safe version of evil-delete-backward-word. It will act as lispy-delete-backward after delimiters (and delete everything within the delimiters).

The reason no safe version of evil-delete-backward-char-and-join is provided is because lispy already maps DEL to lispy-delete-backward.

[remap evil-delete-backward-word]lispyville-delete-backward-word

C-u Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is c-u. There are no default states; any state where evil-delete-back-to-indentation is bound will be affected. This is the safe version of evil-delete-back-to-indentation. It will act as lispy-delete-backward after delimiters (and delete everything within the delimiters).

The reason no safe version of evil-delete-backward-char-and-join is provided is because lispy already maps DEL to lispy-delete-backward.

[remap evil-delete-back-to-indentation]lispyville-delete-back-to-indentation

Prettify Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is prettify. There are no default states; any state where evil-indent is bound will be affected. This key theme replaces evil-indent with an operator equivalent of lispy-tab. In addition to correcting indentation, lispy-tab will also, for example, remove empty newlines and pull trailing closing delimiters all onto the same line. This operator works by normalizing the current list and all subsequent same-level lists that start within the region.

[remap evil-indent]lispyville-prettify

Text Objects Key Theme

Note that these commands are considered experimental (e.g. there are still no written tests and they need to be polished).

The corresponding symbol is text-objects. There are no default states; the text objects are bound globally in evil-inner-text-objects-map and evil-outer-text-objects-map by default. Alternatively, you could bind the full key sequences in the visual and operator states in lispyville-mode-map (this will likely be the default in the future).

inner and a versions exist for all of these:


An atom is comparable to an evil symbol, except it will select entire strings and comments. The string, comment, and top-level function/form text objects are fairly generic and will likely work in other programming languages. Multiple adjacent line comments are considered to be one comment.

All text objects have corresponding forward-begin, forward-end, backward-begin, and backward-end evil motions.

All text objects are designed to work with targets.el, and it is highly recommended that you use it if only for these text objects as they will work much better:

  • Seeking and region expansion will work
  • Next, previous, and remote (i.e. selected with avy overlays) text objects are provided

Once targets is more stable, I will likely depend on it for this package. For now, if you want to try these out with targets, you can create and bind them with targets-define-to. Here’s example setup that will only create corresponding versions of the lispyville text objects:

(setq targets-text-objects nil)


(targets-define-to lispyville-comment 'lispyville-comment nil object
                   :bind t :keys "c")

(targets-define-to lispyville-atom 'lispyville-atom nil object
                   :bind t :keys "a")

(targets-define-to lispyville-list 'lispyville-list nil object
                   :bind t :keys "l")

(targets-define-to lispyville-sexp 'lispyville-sexp nil object
                   :bind t :keys "x")

(targets-define-to lispyville-function 'lispyville-function nil object
                   :bind t :keys "f")

(targets-define-to lispyville-comment 'lispyville-comment nil object
                   :bind t :keys "c")

(targets-define-to lispyville-string 'lispyville-string nil object
                   :bind t :keys "S")

Atom Movement Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is atom-motions or atom-movement. There are no default states as remaps are used. The states argument is repurposed to determine whether to override the WORD motions instead. These motions are comparable to cleverparen’s “symbol” motions and vim-sexp’s “element” motions.

Normally (e.g. (theme1 ... atom-movement)):

[remap evil-forward-word-begin]lispyville-forward-atom-begin
[remap evil-forward-word-end]lispyville-forward-atom-end
[remap evil-backward-word-begin]lispyville-backward-atom-begin
[remap evil-backward-word-end]lispyville-backward-atom-end

With a states argument (e.g. (theme1 ... (atom-movement t)))

[remap evil-forward-WORD-begin]lispyville-forward-atom-begin
[remap evil-forward-WORD-end]lispyville-forward-atom-end
[remap evil-backward-WORD-begin]lispyville-backward-atom-begin
[remap evil-backward-WORD-end]lispyville-backward-atom-end

Additional Movement Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is additional-motions or additional-movement. The default state is motion (inherited in the normal, visual, and operator states). This key theme is the equivalent of cleverparen’s additional movement keys. [ and ] are like the reverse of lispy-flow. { and } are like lispy-flow. ( and ) are like lispy-left and lispy-right. Also see here for some extra information on automatically enter special after executing these motions.


lispyville-left is an alias for lispyville-backward-up-list, and lispyville-right is an alias for lispyville-up-list.

There is also the unbound lispyville-beginning-of-next-defun.

Commentary Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is commentary. The default state is normal state (inherited in visual state). The bindings follow vim/evil-commentary defaults as shown below:


If you prefer evil-nerd-commenter style bindings, add the following to your configuration, where , is the evil leader key:

(evil-define-key 'normal lispyville-mode-map
  ",,"  #'lispyville-comment-or-uncomment
  ",."  #'lispyville-comment-and-clone-dwim
  ",ci" #'lispyville-comment-or-uncomment-line)

The safe comment-and-clone operator operates only on the rightmost balanced region by default. If the region is selected visually, it operates separately on all balanced subregions.

;; initial state (cursor on first line)
(foo (bar) (baz|

;; "gyy"
(foo (bar) (;; baz

;; with visual line selection: "Vgy"
(;; foo (bar)
 foo (bar) (;; baz

Slurp/Barf Key Themes

Two key themes are provided for slurping and barfing keybindings. The default state for both is normal. Note that the commands in both key themes work with digit arguments. A positive argument will barf or slurp that many times like in cleverparens. Additionally, for the slurp commands, an argument of -1 will slurp to the end of the line where the sexp after the closing paren ends, and an argument of 0 will slurp as far as possible. See the documentation for lispy-slurp for more information. Also see here for some extra information on automatically entering special after executing these commands.

Note that the commands for both key themes will act on the paren after the point, meaning that the point should be before a closing paren to be considered “on” it.

The slurp/barf-cp key theme provides commands that act the same as cleverparens’ slurp and barf keys or lispy’s lispy-slurp-or-barf-right and lispy-slurp-or-barf-left. > and < can be thought of arrows that will move the paren at point in the corresponding direction. If there is no paren at the point, the keys will take the action they would on a right paren but will not move the point.


The slurp/barf-lispy key theme provides commands that act the same as the default lispy-slurp and lispy-barf. In this case, > and < can be thought to correspond to “grow” and “shrink” respectively. > will always slurp, and < will always barf. If there is no paren at the point, the keys will take the action they would on a right paren but will not move the point.


For both < bindings, if lispyville-barf-stay-with-closing is non-nil and barfing would move the closing delimiter behind the point, the point will instead be put on the closing delimiter.

Wrap Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is wrap. The default state is normal state. Note binding M-[ in terminal is the same as binding the scroll wheel. If you use the terminal Emacs and use the scroll wheel, you should not use this key theme.


These are operators that will wrap the specified region with the corresponding delimiter. These are potentially fewer keypresses than using evil-surround since you do not have to specify the delimiter to use afterwards. If you use these often, you might want to bind them to something more convenient (e.g. M-b or ( for lispyville-wrap-with-round: (evil-define-key 'normal lispyville-mode-map "(" 'lispyville-wrap-with-round) if you are not using the additional movement key theme). Also note that you can wrap in lispy special (e.g. in insert state with region selected) just by pressing the delimiter. If you don’t use the movement key theme in visual state (e.g. you only use it to enter lispy special), you can bind ( to wrap only in visual state (e.g. (evil-define-key 'visual lispyville-mode-map "(" 'lispy-parens); lispy-parens (which is what lispyville-wrap-with-round calls) can be used directly in this case; v$( would then wrap to the end of the line).

See the additional wrap key theme for an alternative.

Additional Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is additional. The default state is normal state. This key theme is the equivalent of cleverparens’ “additional bindings” keys. It is currently incomplete. M-j is comparable to evil-cp-drag-forward and lispy-move-down. M-k is comparable to evil-cp-drag-backward and lispy-move-up.


lispyville-move-down is an alias for lispyville-drag-forward, and lispyville-move-up is an alias for lispyville-drag-backward.

Additional Insert Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is additional-insert. The default state is normal state. This key theme also corresponds to keybindings from cleverparens additional keybindings.


Unlike cleverparens, these commands work only with lists. evil-cp-insert-at-beginning-of-form, for example, will insert at the beginning of strings as well. To me, it is simpler and more consistent to only consider lists instead of specially handling string atoms. If you would prefer the original behavior, feel free to make an issue, and I can add alternative commands.

Additional Wrap Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is additional-wrap. The default state is normal state (to mimic cleverparens; you may want to also bind these in insert state).


These are equivalents of lispy-wrap-round, lispy-wrap-brackets, and lispy-wrap-braces. By default, they will wrap the sexp at the point. With a positive count, they will wrap that number of sexps. With a count of 0, they will wrap as far as possible. With a negative count, they will wrap to the sexp at the end of the line (e.g. |foo bar to (|foo bar)). If you would prefer this behavior by default, you can bind ( to lispy-parens-auto-wrap in insert state (e.g. (define-key lispy-mode-map-lispy "(" 'lispy-parens-auto-wrap)). Also, if you would prefer to use something more generic, you can try the wrap key theme which provides corresponding operators instead.

Normally, lispy will insert a space after the opening delimiter when wrapping. The lispyville versions will never insert a space in normal state. When in a state in lispyville-insert-states, these commands will insert a space when lispy-insert-space-after-wrap is non-nil (the default).

Unlike cleverparens, no commands to wrap previous sexps are provided. If you would like this functionality, feel free to make an issue.

Arrows Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is arrows. The default state is normal state. This key theme provides similar keybindings to those from vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people. It is currently incomplete.


Note that the original plugin uses >I and <I in order not to override the default < and > used with inner text objects. Since manual indentation is never necessary with lisp (e.g. use aggressive-indent-mode or lispyville-prettify / lispy-tab instead), this key theme does not attempt to leave the original keybindings intact.

Escape Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is escape. The default states are insert and emacs. See here for more information.


Mark Key Themes

The corresponding symbols are mark and mark-special. The default states are normal and visual. While the commands from mark will enter visual state, the commands from mark-special will enter lispyville-preferred-lispy-state. See here for more information.

vwrapped lispy-mark-symbol
Vwrapped lispy-mark
C-vwrapped lispy-mark

Mark Toggle Key Theme

The corresponding symbol is mark-toggle. The default states are insert and emacs. Note that v will be bound in visual state (not changeable).


The idea of this theme is to use the same key you used to get into visual state or special to toggle between them and to use ESC to get rid of the region. For example, after entering visual state, you can press v to enter lispy special or ESC to return to normal state and cancel the region. After marking something with lispy, you can press the key for lispy-mark-list (I use v, but it is m by default) to enter visual state or ESC to return to insert or emacs state and cancel the region.

Note that this requires also binding lispyville-toggle-mark-type in lispy after it loads:

(lispy-define-key lispy-mode-map "m" #'lispyville-toggle-mark-type)
;; or v for better consistency (I swap m and v)
(lispy-define-key lispy-mode-map "v" #'lispyville-toggle-mark-type)

By re-purposing v in visual state (which normally enters visual line mode) to enter lispy special and re-purposing m (or v) in lispy special with an active region to enter visual state (while moving m’s normal functionality to ESC), this functionality is achieved without requiring any complicated keybindings. Note that the toggle key will still act as lispy-mark-list in lispy special if you use a prefix arg (other than 1).

When using this theme with the mark theme, the mark theme should be specified first. If you would prefer that ESC always enters normal state (instead of returning you to lispy special with no region if you are in lispy special with a region), you can specify the escape theme after the mark-toggle theme.

Integration with Lispy

Mode Line Indicator for Lispy Special

If you would like an additional visual indicator that lispy keybindings are active (i.e. when in special and in a state in lispyville-insert-states), lispyville also provides lispyville-mode-line-string. It optionally takes two arguments: the text to display when lispy keybindings are active (“🍰-special ” by default) and the default text (nothing by default). You can change the color/style of the text by customizing lispyville-special-face.

(setq-default mode-line-format
              ;; ...
               '(:eval (when (featurep 'lispyville)
              ;; ...

Alternatively, you can use lispyville’s lighter for this purpose (it will change to the color/style of lispyville-special-face when lispy keybindings are active):

(diminish 'lispyville-mode (lispyville-mode-line-string " 🍰" " 🍰"))

More Fluid Transitioning Between Normal State and Special

Getting to special when in insert or emacs state is already pretty easy. You can use ) or [ and ] (if you like those keybindings) to jump to a special location at any time. If you want to get there from normal state, it’s a bit more tedious, since you need to first navigate to a special location and then enter insert or emacs state.

Lispyville provides an option that will automatically enter insert or emacs state for lispyville navigation commands that would put you at a paren. To enable this behavior, lispyville-motions-put-into-special can be set to a non-nil value. If you prefer to edit in emacs-state, you can set lispyville-preferred-lispy-state to emacs.

Note that this behavior will not affect the use of motions with an operator or in visual state (which wouldn’t make sense).

There is also an option for commands called lispyville-commands-put-into-special that can be customized in the same way. The currently applicable commands are the slurp and barf commands.

Visual State and Special Integration

Lispyville tries to be unobtrusive by default, only rebinding the major operator keys. Since there are many potential ways to better integrate evil’s visual state with lispy’s special (with the region active), lispyville doesn’t make a default choice for the user.

Using Both Separately

This is probably the simplest method of improving things. By default, pressing escape after using something like lispy-mark from special will enter normal state but won’t cancel the region. Lispyville provides lispyville-normal-state to deactivate the region and enter normal state in one step. You can map it manually or use the escape key theme (e.g. (lispyville-set-key-theme '(... (escape insert emacs)))).

On the other hand, if you want to map a key in normal state to mark something with a lispy command like lispy-mark, normally evil’s visual state will be entered, and the selection will be off by a character. lispyville-wrap-command can be used to create commands that will enter a specific evil state and ensure that the resulting selection is correct. It is mainly meant to be used with visual and special:

;; enter visual state after `lispy-mark-symbol' with correct selection
(evil-define-key 'normal lispyville-mode-map
  "v" (lispyville-wrap-command lispy-mark-symbol visual))
;; enter lispy special after `lispy-mark-symbol' with correct selection
(evil-define-key 'normal lispyville-mode-map
  "v" (lispyville-wrap-command lispy-mark-symbol special))

To toggle between special and visual state at any time, you can use the mark-toggle key theme.

Using Only Lispy’s Mark Commands

Lispy’s special mark state won’t always work correctly when entered with an active region it wouldn’t normally mark (e.g. half of a symbol is marked). Because of this, you’ll probably want to rebind v, V, and C-v. Lispyville provides a key theme to remap v to a wrapped version of lispy-mark-symbol and V and C-v to a wrapped version of lispy-mark (e.g. (lispyville-set-key-theme '(... mark-special))).

The old way of automatically switching to insert or emacs state was found to have serious bugs, so I do not currently recommend using it. Instead, you need to wrap all selection-related functions that you use with lispyville-wrap-command.

Using Only Evil’s Mark Commands

One can have all lispy mark commands enter evil’s visual state instead:


The behavior can be removed by running lispyville-remove-marking-hooks.

Final Notes

If you prefer evil or lispy for working with regions but don’t want to use either all of the time, it’s probably best to pick the one you find the most useful and bind some keys from the other in the relevant keymap.

I may add a key theme for this, but I personally prefer to mainly using lispy’s keys, as they are generally more useful than the default evil motions and will keep the region balanced. Evil’s commands can be more useful for editing comments, so I’m personally using the first solution (Using Both Separately) to choose which to use.

Note that you can still use the mark-toggle keybinding to switch between visual and special even if you run (lispyville-enter-special-when-marking) (use not recommended) or (lispyville-enter-visual-when-marking).

Lispy Settings

I’ve added the main functions behind safe deletion and copying directly to lispy. To have lispy’s commands always act safely on a region, lispy-safe-delete, lispy-safe-copy, and lispy-safe-paste can be set to non-nil values. Lispyville’s commands keep delimiters balanced regardless of these settings. Lispyville does not yet have a safe paste operator though.

The options that will affect lispyville’s behavior are lispy-safe-threshold, lispy-safe-actions-ignore-strings, lispy-safe-actions-ignore-comments, and lispy-safe-actions-no-pull-delimiters-into-comments.

lispy-safe-threshold is the maximum size a region can be before operators will no longer attempt to keep delimiters balanced. If you ever have an issue with the limit, you can try increasing it and see if there are any performance issues. I haven’t tested performance on larger regions, so any feedback would be appreciated.

The “ignore” options will determine whether commands will ignore unbalanced delimiters in comments and strings. It is recommended to keep these options at their default value (true).

When lispy-safe-actions-no-pull-delimiters-into-comments is non-nil, lispy/lispyville commands will avoid pulling unmatched delimiters into comments (e.g. dd on a line after a comment will keep unmatched closing delimiters on the same line instead of commenting them out).

By default, lispyville-mode will automatically make the following changes when turned on for maximum safety levels:

(setq lispy-safe-delete t
      lispy-safe-copy t
      lispy-safe-paste t
      lispy-safe-actions-no-pull-delimiters-into-comments t)

To prevent lispyville from changing lispy variables, you can set lispyville-no-alter-lispy-options to a non-nil value.