Monitors a folder every second, and outputs the latest file moved to that folder when such event occurs.
- Input:
- Directory: String, the path to the hot folder.
- Output:
- FilePath: String, the path to the latest file modified.
Executes a call to our backend API for a single document.
- Input:
- CustomHeaders: String, The list of custom headers. Use '|' to separate different headers, and ':' to separate key/value of a single header.
- FilePath: String, Read only parameter pointing to the file to be processed.
- Host: String, The host of the backend.
- Password: String,
- Username: String,
- Resource: String, The resource to which the processed files are to be saved.
- Output:
- OmniusExtraction: String, The api response in xml fromat.
Transforms the omnius api response into a uipath 'Extraction'.
- Input:
- InitialDom: Document, The initial dom with the correct display page size.
- OmniusIdToUiPathFieldIdFile: String, The file path to a dictionary with keys consisting of the xml element ID that we need to extract and values the equivalent taxonomy field ID;.
- OmniusResponse: String, the output of our backend API.
- Path: String, The path of the file being processed.
- TaxonomyFile: String, The path of a serialized taxonomy.
- Text: String, The text representation of the document.
- Output
- Taxonomy: DocumentTaxonomy, The taxonomy for this document.
- Extraction: ExtractionResult, The extracted data in a validation station presentable format.