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Debugging Firefox Tips

Martin Sirringhaus edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 6 revisions

Some helpful tips when debugging Firefox

Building with mach

Build dependencies

Note: At the time of writing the patch to make ./mach bootstrap know openSUSE was not yet released but already worked on upstream. So hopefully this will be there soon.

./mach bootstrap will not only install all build-dependencies you need, but also set up some rather nice mercurial-helpers and so on.

If you are unlucky enough to not have bootstrap, just have a look at the Firefox spec-file and the BuildRequires-portions and install those.


The file mozconfig determines all build-settings and flags. In case you want to just try a normal build, an empty mozconfig is fine.

But usually, you want to debug some (open)SUSE specific problem and want to build it as specified in the spec-file.

For this, there is the script get_mozconfig_from_spec in

Just hand it the spec-file of the correct version, the (open)SUSE-product you want to build for and optionally the architecture with --target=$ARCH.

It will echo the mozconfig that would be used by OBS. You can simply pipe the output there:

get_mozconfig_from_spec /path/to/MozillaFirefox.spec 1500 2> /dev/null > mozconfig

To use it you have to:

  1. Delete the first line which is output from rpmbuild
  2. Comment out ac_add_options --with-l10n-base=...
  3. Comment out all options containing %{SOURCE..}
  4. Depending on your setup, you might want to change mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/../obj to something containing the version you are building, e.g. ../obj-esr68 or have the obj/-dir directly in the source code and not in the parent directory. Otherwise you might share the build-dir from different Firefox-versions, leading to all kinds of weirdness.

Local optimizations

get_mozconfig_from_spec also makes suggestions of additional compile-options that might be beneficial for local debug builds at the end of the file.

Simply uncomment them to use them.

You also might need to --enable-debug and --enable-optimize="-Og -g" for debugging.

Patching Rust crates

In case you modify vendored rust crates, cargo/mach will not let you build, due to checksummed sources.

To make this work, you have to add to the top-level Cargo.toml-file (where mach and mozconfig are) under the section [patch.crates-io]:

# ...
YOUR-CRATE = { path = './third_party/rust/YOUR-CRATE' }

Layout debugger

Firefox comes with a feature for debugging layer-related things. It can be started by handing in --layoutdebug, e.g. by calling

./mach run -- --layoutdebug

This has multiple advantages: It can dump all current content (or chrome) layers, and it uses a minimalistic frontend (less graphics functions called, because of the chrome), which helps debugging.


Firefox has lots of debugging output, but it does not show per default.

Some more output is shown, if you compile with --enable-debug, but still only very little.

Additionall loggers can be activated by starting Firefox with -MOZ_LOG <YourDebugger:LEVEL>

If you have a rough idea of where in the codebase you want more output, go looking for LOG, or MOZ_LOG, or MSE_DEBUG or similar macros in the code.

Search the macro-definition. It should be a LazyLogModule object associated with it. This one has a name associated with it (a string-value). That is the name to use for -MOZ_LOG.


static mozilla::LazyLogModule sFormatDecoderLog("MediaFormatReader");
mozilla::LazyLogModule gMediaDemuxerLog("MediaDemuxer");

#define LOG(arg, ...)                                                  \
  DDMOZ_LOG(sFormatDecoderLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, "::%s: " arg, \
            __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOGV(arg, ...)                                                   \
  DDMOZ_LOG(sFormatDecoderLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Verbose, "::%s: " arg, \
            __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)

So, if you want to see the output of "LOG()"-statements, you have to start firefox with ./mach run -MOZ_LOG MediaFormatReader:5, to see "LOGV()"-output, you need to run ./mach run -MOZ_LOG MediaDemuxer:3

Or both with ./mach run -MOZ_LOG MediaFormatReader:5,MediaDemuxer:3

Rust log output

Rust log output is handled by RUST_LOG. Here, one can also filter according to level and service.

RUST_LOG=debug will output debug-level output for ALL Rust services, which is usually a lot. It's better to also filter for the specific service one needs: RUST_LOG=authenticator=debug.

This can also be added to the run-command: ./mach run --set-env RUST_LOG=authenticator=debug

Graphics debug output

Throughout the code that deals with painting elements, there are defines such as MOZ_DUMP_PAINTING. These usually are enclosing if-statements that look like if (gfxEnv::DumpPaintItems()) {...}.

If you have build in debug-mode, to activate this, you merely have to export the associated environment-variable before starting Firefox.

These variables can be found here: gfx/thebes/gfxEnv.h

In the above example it would be export MOZ_DUMP_PAINT_ITEMS=1 before starting Firefox.

NOTE: This can be very verbose!