- format Montreal cycling infrastructure geojson file to be able to load it as a layer in https://www.openstreetmap.org/
- the geojson file come from here : http://donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca/dataset/pistes-cyclables
Install latest version of anaconda (python 3.x or more) from https://www.anaconda.com/download/
within anaconda prompt you need to install packages with the following commands :
- conda install pyproj
within anaconda prompt, go to the directory where you cloned this project and start jupyter with this command :
- jupyter notebook
In the browser page, open the pistes_cyclable_mtl.ipynb notebook and run all the cells A formated geojson output file will be created in the data_out dir. This will be the data file used by the webpage
You can view the result by loading index.html into a web browser. A descriptive popup is available for each cycle segment. The description of each value can be found here http://donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca/dataset/5ea29f40-1b5b-4f34-85b3-7c67088ff536/resource/9d689738-154d-4c6f-9f4d-67b1fa5574f1/download/bdreseauvelo2018.pdf