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R package PBStools - Tools for the efficient execution of onerous tasks

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PBStools: Tools for the efficient execution of onerous tasks

© Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2007-2024)

PBStools provides an R interface for algorithms commonly used in fisheries. The scope of this package is by no means comprehensive, having grown from the need to satisfy tasks specific to British Columbia (BC) ocean fisheries. Many of the functions provide a quick way to visualize data, and in some cases perform preliminary analyses. Though oriented to users at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS), these functions may provide a broad utility to users at other locales. The R code modules and User Guide and are organised into sections that loosely classify the functions by theme -- (1) Utility, (2) Biology, (3) Fishery, (4) Survey, (5) Spatial, (6) Assessment, (7) Catch Reconstruction, (8) LaTeX tools, and (9) PJS1 survey index functions. Within each section, the functions are described alphabetically.

PBStools depends heavily on two other R packages: PBSmapping and PBSmodelling. We use the latter to implement several Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) that facilitate a few select functions. Most functions, however, are designed for use on the command line or in sourced code. Windows users need to be mindful that the R-statistical language is case sensitive.

Also available in the package directory ./library/PBStools/sql we provide a number of useful SQL queries for DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans, aka Fisheries and Oceans Canada) commercial fisheries databases -- PacHarvest (trawl, 1996-2007), PacHarvHL (hook and line, 1994-2006), GFCatch (historical landings, 1954-1995), GFBioSQL (biological samples, 1946-2018), and GFFOS (integrated fisheries, 2002-2018). To launch SQL queries, PBStools relies on the R package RODBC. If you have access to the DFO network and have privileges to query these databases, the function getData can send the queries to the remote servers and return a data frame called PBSdat in the global environment (or any user-specified environment). In the document, we highlight queries for DFO personnel using text with a background shaded 'moccasin'. (Examples are shaded 'aliceblue' and console output is shaded 'honeydew'.) Note that many of these queries might act as useful templates for users outside DFO for similar purposes. Querying databases directly via SQL commands from R usually proves much more efficient than launching Microsoft Access queries from a front-end database shell.

Originally, functions in PBStools evolved over time (2007-2012) within the R package PBSfishery, along with a convenient GUI tool for interacting with PBSmapping and useful datasets (regional boundaries, key codes, example data). In April 2012, we decided to split PBSfishery into three separate libraries -- PBStools, PBSmapx, and PBSdata -- for public distribution (see pbs-software). The three packages experience different rates of change, with PBStools undergoing frequent revision, while PBSdata and PBSmapx can remain unchanged for long periods of time.

Although PBStools is not available on CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network), the package (Windows binary and source tarball) is built after using CRAN's rigorous R CMD check --as-cran routine (using R-devel on a Windows 7 64-bit system) and posted to Google Drive. Most of the time, the revision on GitHub can be built in R using devtools::install_github("pbs-software/pbs-tools/PBStools"); however, not every revision has been checked for CRAN worthiness.

In July 2018, the package was updated to include a new function called linguaFranca, which translates a limited set of BC stock assessment english words that appear in figures into french. This feature was largely driven by CSAS' policy to make all scientific research documents accessible to anglophone and francophone readers.

Influences by Wizard Wickham pervade the Rverse these days; however, reliance on the convoluted machinations of the overlord are avoided in PBS packages wherever possible. While 'ggthis' and 'ggthat' provide code shortcuts, the underlying operations are not transparent. Furthermore, connecting 'ggblobs' using pipes simply makes the mess even more difficult to clean up. Resist assimilation and keep your R code pure.

As with any freely available product, there is no warranty or promise that PBStools will perform adequately for all circumstances. Additionally, coding errors are possible, and users should contact the package maintainer if bugs are detected.

Maintainer: Rowan Haigh

1PJS = Paul J. Starr

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