A constantly evolving set of configurations.
This relies on homebrew and oh-my-zsh, which should be installed first.
- clone this repo into home directory
- cd ~/dotfiles
brew bundle
- will symlink files into home directory (fails if files already exist)
Much of this should work on linux, but my current daily driver is a mac. When I do setup linux a linux machine it I generally clone the repo and manually link the bits I need. Sometimes I fix settings to be cross platform and push those up.
I am currently experimenting with neovim after years of using vim.
- common.vim is sourced by both vim and neovim
- .vimrc is vim specific and uses vim-plug
- nvim/init.lua sets up lazy.nvim and nvim plugins
This setup uses fzf and ag, so those should be installed (included in Brewfile if on MacOS)
- using oh-my-zsh because it's a pretty good set of defaults and I'm lazy
- .zshrc sets path, loads plugins, and sources .aliases and .private
- using tpm for plugin management
- sourced from zshrc when exists in ~/.private
- not in version control so it can contains api keys and other private information