Weather::TW - Fetch Taiwan weather data from Most methods are reimplimented in Weather::TW::Forecast use them instead.
use Weather::TW::Forecast;
my $weather = Weather::TW::Forecast->new(
location => '台北',
foreach ($weather->short_forecasts){
say $_->start;
say $_->end; # DateTime objects specify forecast time interval
say $_->temperature; # Temperature string, ex: '23 ~ 25'
say $_->weather; # Weather string, ex "陰短暫陣雨"
say $_->confortable; # ex '舒適'
say $_->rain; # probabilty to rain, 0~100%
foreach ($weather->weekly_forecasts){
say $_->day; # DateTime object
say $_->temperature; # Temperature string, ex: '23 ~ 25'
say $_->weather; # Weather string, ex "陰短暫陣雨"
my $hash_ref = $weather->montly_mean;
say $hash_ref->{temp_high}; # Maximum temperature
say $hash_ref->{temp_low}; # Mininum temperature
say $hash_ref->{rain}; # Rain precipitation (mm)
Weather::TW::Forecast reimplement Weather::TW with new web address (from V6 to V7) and new parser (use Mojo::DOM instead of HTML::TreeBulder). The methods in Weather::TW will be deprecated and shiped to Weather::TW::Forecast. More submodules will be develop to handle obsevations and detail rain infos. Weather::TW will be a abstract class to access these submodules.
Documentation below will be deprecated.
use Weather::TW;
my $weather = Weather::TW->new;
my $xml = $weather->area('Taipei City')->xml;
my $json = $weather->json;
my $yaml = $weather->yaml;
my %hash = $weather->hash;
foreach my $area ($weather->area_en){
my $xml = $weather->area($area)->xml
print $xml;
use utf8;
$xml = $weather->area('台北')->xml;
# Chinese also works!
This module parse data from (中央氣象局), and generates xml/json/hash/yaml data.
Create a new Weather::TW
object. Available option is lang
, see method lang
$weather = Weather::TW->new( lang => 'zh' );
City name can be either Chinese or English. The returned value is $self
so you can use it for cascading.
$xmlstr = $weather->area('Taipei City')->xml;
The available area names are:
台北市 Taipei City
新北市 New Taipei City
台中市 Taichung City
台南市 Tainan City
高雄市 Kaohsiung City
基隆北海岸 Keelung North Coast
桃園 Taoyuan
新竹 Hsinchu
苗栗 Miaoli
彰化 Changhua
南投 Nantou
雲林 Yunlin
嘉義 Chiayi
屏東 Pingtung
恆春半島 Hengchun Peninsula
宜蘭 Yilan
花蓮 Hualien
台東 Taitung
澎湖 Penghu
金門 Kinmen
馬祖 Matsu
Available options are 'zh' or 'en'.
Return area names in Chinese.
@names = $weather->area_zh;
Return area names in English.
@names = $weather->area_en;
Return data as xml.
Return data as json.
Pretty json.
Return data as yaml.
Return a perl hash object.
%hash = $weather->hash;
dryman, [email protected]
Copyright (C) 2011 by dryman
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.