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Caluma companion app for periodic usage of forms.

Periodic usage of forms

There are forms you might want to use periodically. This project adds support for this by utilizing the meta-field of forms.

Example use case

Your flux capacitor needs new plutonium once every two weeks. So you have a form refill-plutonium-in-flux-capacitor you want to use every two weeks.

This can be achieved with following interval inside the meta field of this form:

    "interval": {
        "interval": "P2W",
        "workflow_slug": "delorean-workflow"

This will make sure, that exactly two weeks after the last refill, a new case will be opened for this form.

Now let's say, it's important to you, that this case is always opened on a monday (shortening the interval if needed). Further you want to set a start date, to make sure no case will be opened before that.

This can be achieved with following interval:

    "interval": {
        "interval": "2019-03-18/P2W",
        "weekday": 0,
        "workflow_slug": "delorean-workflow"


  • Handle periodic usage of forms
  • Optionally set a start date
  • Optionally force a specific weekday
  • Will never start multiple cases for the same form

Meta field

The meta-field is a JSONField and can be found on a variety of Caluma-objects. We're only interested in forms though.

Interval definition

caluma-interval checks the meta-field of forms for an interval-key.


    "interval": {
        "interval": "2018-03-01/P1Y2M10D",
        "weekday": 1,
        "workflow_slug": "my-test-workflow"



ISO8601 time interval notation.

We use {{startdate}}/{{duration}}, where startdate is optional. If omitted, the case will be opened immediately.

For duration we use a subset of ISO8601 duration without time.

You can find the regex we use below in ValidationClass.


An optional weekday (zero-indexed integer). This makes sure, that only on this weekday a case for this form will be started.

This will never exceed the configured interval.


The slug for the corresponding workflow.


You can configure caluma_interval with environment variables or CLI arguments, whereas CLI arguments take precedence.

usage: [-h] [-c STRING] [-i STRING] [-s STRING] [-u STRING] [-d]

Caluma companion app for periodic usage of forms

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c STRING, --caluma-endpoint STRING
                        defaults to "http://caluma:8000/graphql"
  -i STRING, --oidc-client-id STRING
  -s STRING, --oidc-client-secret STRING
  -u STRING, --oidc-token-uri STRING
  -d, --debug           print debug messages
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

The corresponding environment variables are:

  • CALUMA_ENDPOINT - defaults to http://caluma:8000/graphql

Additional environment variables for when using the docker image:

  • CALUMA_HOST - defaults to caluma
  • CALUMA_PORT - defaults to 8000

To enable oidc authentication over plain http (only for testing!), set OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT to 1.


As Caluma uses OpenID Connect (OIDC), we need to fetch a token from the OIDC provider.

For this you have to provide a client id, client secret and a token uri.

If none of them are provided, the client will make unauthenticated requests, which (hopefully) will fail in your prod setup.


You may want to add a custom ValidationClass to Caluma in order to validate the content of meta['interval']:

import re
from datetime import datetime

from caluma.core.validations import BaseValidation, validation_for
from caluma.form.schema import SaveForm
from caluma.workflow.models import Workflow
from rest_framework import exceptions

# Regex to parse ISO8601 periods WITHOUT time information
ISO8601_PERIOD_DATE_REGEX = re.compile(

def validate_interval(interval):
    interval_list = interval["interval"].split("/")
    if len(interval_list) == 2:
            datetime.strptime(interval_list[0], "%Y-%m-%d")
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.ValidationException("Failed to parse startdate!")
    elif len(interval_list) > 2:
        raise exceptions.ValidationException("Failed to parse interval!")

    if not ISO8601_PERIOD_DATE_REGEX.match(interval_list[-1]):
        raise exceptions.ValidationException("Failed to parse period!")

class FormIntervalValidation(BaseValidation):
    def validate_save_form(self, mutation, data, info):
        if "meta" not in data and "interval" not in data["meta"]:
            return data
        interval = data["meta"]["interval"]

        if "interval" not in interval:
            raise exceptions.ValidationException("Interval must be set!")

        if "workflow_slug" not in interval:
            raise exceptions.ValidationException("workflow_slug must be set!")

        except Workflow.DoesNotExist:
            raise exceptions.ValidationException(
                "Failed to get workflow with provided workflow_slug!"

        if "weekday" in interval:
            if not interval["weekday"] >= 0 <= 6:
                raise exceptions.ValidationException(
                    "Weekday must be an integer from 0 to 6!"


docker-compose integration

    context: .
    - caluma


We use following tools in order to standardize development and releases:

  • flake8
  • black
  • isort
  • commitlint

pre-commit hooks

Pre commit hooks is an additional option instead of executing checks in your editor of choice.

First create a virtualenv with the tool of your choice before running below commands:

pip install pre-commit
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -U
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook=pre-commit
pre-commit install --hook=commit-msg