Svgbob is a diagramming model which uses a set of typing characters to approximate the intended shape. It allows for converting ascii art into beautiful svg images.
This R package wraps the svgbob cargo crate.
Input text:
E +-------------------------*--+ E | o
D |-------------------*--*--|--* D | o o | o
C |-------------*--* | | | | C | o o | | | |
B |-------*--* | | | | | | B | o o | | | | | |
A +-*--*--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ A +-o--o--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
text <- readLines(system.file('examples/demo.bob', package = 'svgbob'))
svgbob(text[66:72], 'chart.svg')
Suppose input text looks like this:
+10-15V ___0,047R
+ | | | | | | | |
-===- _|_ | | .+. | | |
-===- .-. | | | | 2k2 | | |
-===- 470| + | | | | | | |
- | uF| '--. | '+' .+. | |
+--------o |6 |7 |8 1k | | | |
___|___ .-+----+--+--. | | | |
-═══- | | '+' | |
- | |1 | |/ BC |
GND | |------o--+ 547 |
| | | |`> |
| | .+. | |
| | 220R| | o----||-+ IRF9Z34
| | | | | |+->
| MC34063 | '+' | ||-+
| | | | | BYV29 -12V6
| |2 '----' o--|<-o----o--X OUT
| +--+ | | |
| | | C| | |
| | | 30uH C| | _|_ 470
| |3 | 1nF C| | .-. uF
| |--)----|(--. | | | +
'-----+----+-' | | GND | |
5| 4| | | | |
| |___.-._______|_____________| |
| | ___ | |
+---------(-------------o--|___|-+ |
| | 1k0 |
+-----+ .+. |
| | | 5k6 + 3k3 |
| | | in Serie |
| '+' |
| | |
Convert to svg or png:
text <- readLines(system.file('examples/circuits.bob', package = 'svgbob'))
svgbob(text[1:41], 'circuits.svg')
Q: "How to integrate this in markdown?" A: "There is a project called Spongedown" which specifically does that. The svgbob diagramming feature is guarded with ```bob code block so as not to pollute the markdown syntax.
The hellorust readme has instructions on how to setup rust on Windows, MacOS or Linux. After that you can just do: