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Radio interferometric imaging suite base on the pre-conditioned forward-backward algorithm.


Install the package by cloning and running

$ pip install -e pfb-imaging/

Note casacore needs to be installed on the system for this to work.

You will probably may also need to update pip eg.

$ pip install -U pip setuptools wheel

For maximum performance it is strongly recommended to install ducc in no binary mode eg

$ git clone

$ pip install -e ducc

Default naming conventions

The default outputs are named using a conbination of the following parameters

  • --output-filename
  • --product
  • --suffix

The output dataset of the init application (viz. the xds) will be called


with standard python string substitutions. The grid worker creates another dataset (viz. the dds`) called


i.e. with the suffix appended (the default suffix being main) which contains imaging data products such as the dirty and PSF images etc. This is to allow imaging multiple fields from a single set of (possibly averaged) corrected Stokes visibilities produced by the init applcation. For example, the sun can be imaged from and xds prepared for the main field by setting --target sun and, for example, --suffix sun. The --target parameter can be any object recognised by astropy and can also be specified using the HH:MM:SS,DD:MM:SS format. All deconvolution algorithms interact with the dds produced by the grid application and will produce a component model called


as well as standard pixelated images which are stored in the dds. They also produce fits images but these are mainly for inspection with fits viewers. By default logs and fits files are stored in the directory specifed by --output-filename but these can be overwritten with the

  • --fits-output-folder and
  • --log-directory

parameters. Fits files are stored with the same naming convention but with the base output directory set to --fits-output-folder. Logs are stored by application name with a time stamp to prevent inadvertently overwriting them. The output paths for all files are reported in the log.

Parallelism settings

There are two settings controlling parallelism viz.

  • --nworkers which controls how many chunks (usually corresponding to imaging bands) will be processed in parallel and
  • --nthreads-per-worker which specifies the number of threads available to each worker (eg. for gridding, FFT's and wavelet transforms).

By default only a single worker is used so that datasets will be processed one at a time. This results in the smallest memory footprint but won't always result in optimal resource utilisation. It also allows for easy debugging as there is no Dask cluster involved in this case. However, for better resource utilisation and or distributing computations over a cluster, you may wish to set --nworkers larger than one. This uses multiple Dask workers (processes) to process chunks in parallel and is especially useful for the init, grid and fluxmop applications. It is usually advisable to set --nworkers to the number of desired imaging bands which is set by the --channels-per-image parameter when initialising corrected Stokes visibilities with the init application. The product of --nworkers and --nthreads-per-worker should not exceed the available resources.


If you find any of this useful please cite (for now)