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Form Toolbox simplifies and automates the process of entering and validating physical forms that have been digitized.

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Form Toolbox simplifies and automates the process of entering and validating physical forms that have been digitized, saving time, increasing accuracy, and lowering business costs. Its architecture focuses on practicality and adaptability, using Docker containers for consistent and manageable deployment, Terraform for efficient and reliable orchestration of AWS resources, and AWS services to contextually extract data and securely store form artifacts and metadata. A unique namespace is utilized within Terraform to ensure that it can co-exist with other resources while also being easily identifiable.

In the future, Form Toolbox can be extended to provide contextual analysis, and verification of expected data.


Form Edit Window

Local Development


  • AWS Account
  • docker
  • terraform cli

Setting Up

To run a development build, which includes hot-reloading for the Docker portion:

  1. Create ./terraform/terraform.tfvars, populating region with your AWS region
  2. Run each following command from the ./terraform/ directory:
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply
  1. Note outputted values from running terraform apply above:
  1. Create ./.env, populating with above and appropriate values.
  2. Run each following command:
docker compose build
docker compose up -d

Tearing Down

When no longer needed, run each following command:

docker compose down
terraform destroy


  • AWS_SQS_REQUEUE_DELAY is in seconds
  • docker-compose.yaml will eventually be renamed to docker-compose-dev.yaml, and docker-compose.yaml will be utilized for non-dev builds. This is to ease current development (requiring less typing) and architectural flexibilty.

Application Architecture

Form Toolbox harnesses Docker for flexible and reliable deployment, and integrates with AWS for enhanced data processing and storage capabilities. The architecture weaves together modern web technologies and a highly-available and redundant backend framework to provide a seamless and performant user experience.

  • User: Interacts with Form Toolbox to upload new forms and utilize resulting analysis.
  • Docker Environment: Encapsulates the application components (Web Server, API, Database) in containers, facilitating consistent deployment and scalability.
  • Frontend - React with Hooks: Serves as the frontend, handling user interactions and relaying requests to the API.
  • API - Node Express: Backend server that processes requests, manages business logic, and interfaces with the database and AWS services.
  • ORM - Sequelize: Facilitates communication between the API and the database, ensuring data consistency and simplifying database interactions.
  • Database - PostgreSQL: Stores application data using PostgreSQL, leveraging Sequelize for object-relational mapping and incorporating JSONB for flexible schema representation.
  • AWS Services: Provides cloud infrastructure for storage (S3), serverless computing (Lambda), form analysis (Textract), notifications (SNS), and message queuing (SQS).
graph LR
    subgraph FormToolbox["Form Toolbox (via Docker)"]
        Frontend <--> API{API}
        API <--"ORM"--> DB[(Database)]

    User(("User")) <--> Frontend
    API <--> AWS{{"AWS Services"}}

AWS Integration Diagram

Form Toolbox integrates AWS services, orchestrated through Terraform, to enhance form data processing and secure storage. This integration is pivotal in automating the extraction and analysis of key-value data from digitized forms.

  • User: (see above)
  • Form Toolbox: Acts as the central hub, including a frontend, API, and database. Receives form image from the user, initiates textraction, and polls AWS for raw analysis. Transforms analysis into contextual data.
  • AWS S3: Stores forms, form thumbnails, metadata, and raw analysis. Triggers a Lambda function when new forms are uploaded.
  • AWS Lambda: Retrieves metadata from S3 object, initiates Textract analysis, and informs SQS that analysis has started, including the related Textract ID.
  • AWS Textract: Extracts key-value data from forms.
  • AWS SNS: Notifies SQS when Textract has completed its analysis. Note that Textract cannot notify SQS directly.
  • AWS SQS: Receives messages about the status of form processing, such as analysis start and completion. Form Toolbox polls the queue and then transforms the analysis.
graph TD
  User(("User")) --"Uploads"--> FormToolbox{{"Form Toolbox"}}
  FormToolbox --"Interacts"--> User
  FormToolbox --"Uploads"--> AWS_S3["AWS S3"]
  AWS_S3 --"Triggers"--> AWS_Lambda["AWS Lambda"]
  AWS_Lambda --"Gets Metadata"--> AWS_S3
  AWS_Lambda--"Messages"--> AWS_SQS
  AWS_Lambda --"Initiates"--> AWS_Textract["AWS Textract"]
  AWS_Textract --"Notifies"--> AWS_SNS["AWS SNS"]
  AWS_SNS --"Messages"--> AWS_SQS["AWS SQS"]
  AWS_SQS --"When Polled"--> FormToolbox

Note: within Mermaid markup, it does not appear possible at this time to render "AWS" as a subgraph and retain the intended flow/shape.

Database Diagram

To balance the diverse requirements of various templates (types of forms) with the need for strict schema and ACID compliance, Form Toolbox employs a hyrid approach. Utilizing PostgreSQL's JSONB datatype, each template has its own schema, while still maintaining a consistent, overarching schema-based system. This methodology effectively merges the benefits of NoSQL/Document storage – flexibility and adaptability – with the strengths of a SQL/Schema-based system – reliability and structure. The result is a system that provides consistent document-style storage and retrieval within a structured SQL framework, catering to diverse form requirements while upholding data integrity and consistency.

  Form {
    UUID id PK "Primary Key"
    STRING analysisFolderNameS3
    STRING exportFolderNameS3
    STRING fileName
    STRING fileNameS3
    JSONB formDeclared "Flexible container for varied form content, adhering to its Template schema"
    JSONB formDetected "Flexible container for what formDeclared likely is"
    BOOLEAN isDeleted "For soft-delete"
    INTEGER pageCount
    ENUM status
    UUID templateId FK "Foreign Key to Template"
    STRING textractJobId

  Template {
    UUID id PK "Primary Key"
    BOOLEAN isDeleted "For soft-delete"
    STRING name
    JSONB schemaJSON "Contains the custom schema that each Template utilizes, adhered to by each Form"

Template ||--o{ Form : "has many"

Known Issues

  • AWS textract does not appear to currently support FIFO-compatible notifications upon completion of a job. Therefore SQS, which subscribes to this SNS topic, is currently also non-FIFO. A solution may be to subscribe an adaptor lambda function to the non-FIFO SNS topic, which which then enqueues a FIFO-compatible message to the SQS queue, allowing SQS to be FIFO. See below example, noting that this approach may be overly complex.
graph LR
  API["..."] --> Textract
  Textract --"non-FIFO"--> SNS_NON_FIFO["SNS"]
  SNS_NON_FIFO --"non-FIFO"--> Lambda[["Lambda (adaptor)"]]
  Lambda --"FIFO"--> SQS
  SQS --"FIFO"--> FormToolbox["..."]
  • The Upload complete! toast is not always auto-closing after its timeout completes.


Form Toolbox simplifies and automates the process of entering and validating physical forms that have been digitized.



