This application is experimental for the moment do not use it on a production server !
CliClac is a small Sinatra app that partially replicates CouchDB’s REST interface on top of MongoDB… Making CouchDB’s Futon web interface compatible with our beloved MongoDB (yeah !).
Futon’s code is included but has not been modified (ok… I just changed the logo). This project is an experimentation to bring a fully featured web based frontend to MongoDB.
Mongo and Couch have a lot of similarities… but still have some fondamental differences, so I had to make some decisions to make it work. Thoses differences are listed in the “Known issues” section of this document.
Ruby (tested with ruby 1.8.6 on MacOS Leopard / Snow Leopard & Ubuntu 9.04)
Gems : sinatra, yajl-ruby, mongodb-mongo, mongodb-mongo_ext
To install those gems :
$ gem sources -a $ sudo gem install sinatra yajl-ruby mongodb-mongo mongodb-mongo_ext
CliClac replicates CouchDB’s views functionality with some notable differences :
views are stored in design documents in a special collection called “__design”
MongoDB does not support (yet?) map/reduce operations, so the “map” part of the view is used to store filters as json documents.
The “reduce” part is used to store other parameters (TODO : complete documentation here…)
CouchDB does not have “collections”, all the documents are stored directly into “databases”. CliClac sees mongo’s collections as databases with the following conventions :
* futon'db = "db_name/collection_name" * futon's db list does not include mongo's system collections nor the special "__design" collections
Mongo’s _id are typed… and it make it difficult use CouchDB’s REST interface as is with Mongo. The following conventions are used to try to guess the correct _id type from the string provided in the url.
* if _id is made of numbers, tries to cast _id as a FixNum and falls back to a String if no result is found * if _id is a valid ObjectId tries to cast _id as a Mongo::ObjectID and falls back to a String if no result is found * else _id is considered as a String
This method is not 100% reliable, but I guess it should cover the most common situations
“next” usually works… but “previous” definitly does not. It is due to the way pagination has been implemented in futon.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but
bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2009 Stephane Bellity. See LICENSE for details.