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Guillaume Massé edited this page Jun 30, 2017 · 8 revisions

How come my project is not indexed ?

Supported Repositories

We currently only support Bintray and Maven Central.

Invalid poms


Missing scmInfo / Not on Github

We group projects by github url (organization/repository). We find this information in the scm tag. Create a PR against claims.json to associate releases with projects in case you published without a scm tag.

How to include a scaladex badge in my project’s README?

Example: Latest version

Include the following in your

[![Latest version](<organization>/<repository>/<artifact>/latest.svg)](<organization>/<repository>/<artifact>)

And replace:

  • <organization> by the GitHub organization hosting the project (e.g. “scalacenter”),
  • <repository> by the GitHub repository hosting the project (e.g. “scalafix”),
  • <artifact> by the Maven artifact name (e.g. “scalafix-core”)