Monitoring service writen in Python3 to be hosted on your own server.
Talk to @BotFather on Telegram
- Type
to start a conversation with the bot father. - Type
and follow the instructions to create our own bot. - Remember the access token - you will need it later.
- You may configure your bot by setting a name or picture.
Configure your linux server
# Create a special user for the bot
sudo adduser telegram --gecos "" --disabled-password
# Install required packages with the package manager
sudo apt install python3-psutil python3-requests python3-netifaces
# OR install Python 3 and dependecies with pip
# use this only if you have problems with the commandline above...
#sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
#sudo python3 -m pip install requests psutil netifaces --upgrade
Download and install Telegram Server Monitor
# Change to the created user
su telegram
cd ~
git clone
cd telegram-server-monitor
# Edit the config file with your favorite editor
Start the program with
To keep your new telegram bot running when you logout you might want to checkout tmux, which is probably shipped with your favorite distribution.
To get process details on the open ports please copy the file 50-netstat
to /etc/sudoers.d/50-netstat