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This is a simple wrapper to make life with HAProxy a little more convenient.

  • Acts as an init script for start, stop, reload, restart, etc
  • Leverages 'socket' to enable and disable servers on the fly
  • Formats server weight and backends in a readable way
  • Provides Nagios and Cloudkick health checks
  • chkconfig/service-able for Redhat folk

Here's a blog post about the inspiration for it.


On most UNIX, assuming HAProxy is in the $PATH:

git clone [email protected]:flores/haproxyctl.git
ln -s haproxyctl/haproxyctl /etc/init.d/haproxyctl

For chkconfig/RedHat/Centos, add:

chkconfig --add haproxyctl

There is also an HAProxy source installation script. This installs not only the steps above but latest HAProxy sources!


./haproxyctl <argument> 
where argument can be:
  start		 : start haproxy unless it is already running
  stop		 : stop an existing haproxy 
  restart	 : immediately shutdown and restart
  reload	 : gracefully terminate existing connections, reload /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
  status	 : is haproxy running?  on what ports per lsof?
  configcheck    : check /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
  nagios	 : nagios-friendly status for running process and listener
  cloudkick      : status and metric for connected users
  show health    : show status of all frontends and backend servers
  enable all server
		 : re-enable a server previously in maint mode on multiple backends
  disable all server
		 : disable a server from every backend it exists
  enable all EXCEPT server
		 : like 'enable all', but re-enables every backend except for <server>
  disable all EXCEPT server
		 : like 'disable all', but disables every backend except for <server>
  clear counters : clear max statistics counters (add 'all' for all counters)
  help           : this message
  prompt         : toggle interactive mode with prompt
  quit           : disconnect
  show info      : report information about the running process
  show stat      : report counters for each proxy and server
  show errors    : report last request and response errors for each proxy
  show sess [id] : report the list of current sessions or dump this session
  get weight     : report a server's current weight
  set weight     : change a server's weight
  set timeout    : change a timeout setting
  disable server : set a server in maintenance mode
  enable server  : re-enable a server that was previously in maintenance mode


Status check

	./haproxyctl status
	haproxy is running on pid 23162.
	these ports are used and guys are connected:> (ESTABLISHED)> (ESTABLISHED)
	*:www (LISTEN)
	*:53093> (ESTABLISHED)

Errors to the backend servers

./haproxyctl "show errors"
[04/Feb/2011:21:05:59.542] frontend http (#1): invalid request
  src, session #39574, backend <NONE> (#-1), server <NONE> (#-1)
  request length 125 bytes, error at position 27:

  00000  GET /logs/images/stuff/someurl
  00070+  HTTP/1.1\r\n
  00081  Host:\r\n
  00110  Accept: */*\r\n
  00123  \r\n

Human readable health check

./haproxyctl "show health"
  pxname        svname               status  weight
http            FRONTEND             OPEN       
sinatra         sinatra_downoi       DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_rindica      DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_guinea       UP      1  
sinatra         BACKEND              UP      1  
ei              guinea               UP      1  
ei              belem                UP      1  
ei              BACKEND              UP      1  
drop            guinea               UP      1  
drop            belem                UP      1  
drop            BACKEND              UP      1  
apache          guinea               UP      1  
apache          belem                UP      1  
apache          BACKEND              UP      1  
static          ngnix_downoi         UP      1  
static          ngnix_petite         UP      1  
static          ngnix_rindica        UP      1  
static          nginx_stellatus      UP      1  
static          nginx_belem          UP      1  
static          nginx_petite         DOWN    1  
static          apache_guinea        UP      1  
static          BACKEND              UP      6  
ssh             localhost            UP      1  
ssh             BACKEND              UP      1  

Disable servers on the fly

./haproxyctl "disable server static/nginx_belem"

./haproxyctl "show health" |grep nginx_belem
static          nginx_belem          MAINT   1 

Graceful reloads

./haproxyctl reload
gracefully stopping connections on pid 23162...
checking if connections still alive on 23162...
reloaded haproxy on pid 1119

Cloudkick/Nagios checks with graph-friendly output for queue size, total connections, etc

./haproxyctl cloudkick    
status ok haproxy is running
metric connections int 12
metric http_FRONTEND_request_rate int 45
metric http_FRONTEND_health_check_duration int 45
metric sinatra_sinatra_guinea_health_check_duration int 4
metric sinatra_BACKEND_health_check_duration int 4
metric mobile_sinatra_mobile_health_check_duration int 2
metric mobile_BACKEND_health_check_duration int 2
metric ei_guinea_health_check_duration int 4
metric ei_BACKEND_health_check_duration int 4
metric drop_guinea_total_requests gauge 1
metric drop_guinea_health_check_duration int 6
metric drop_BACKEND_total_requests gauge 1
metric drop_BACKEND_health_check_duration int 6
metric apache_guinea_health_check_duration int 41
metric apache_BACKEND_health_check_duration int 41
metric static_ngnix_downoi_total_requests gauge 472
metric static_ngnix_downoi_health_check_duration int 7
metric static_ngnix_petite_total_requests gauge 475
metric static_ngnix_petite_health_check_duration int 8
metric static_ngnix_rindica_total_requests gauge 457
metric static_ngnix_rindica_health_check_duration int 8
metric static_nginx_stellatus_total_requests gauge 470
metric static_nginx_stellatus_health_check_duration int 7
metric static_nginx_belem_total_requests gauge 460
metric static_nginx_belem_health_check_duration int 8
metric static_apache_guinea_total_requests gauge 449
metric static_apache_guinea_health_check_duration int 14
metric static_BACKEND_total_requests gauge 2783
metric static_BACKEND_health_check_duration int 45

does normal things like checks if a process is running before starting it...

./haproxyctl start    
./haproxyctl:35: haproxy is already running on pid 20317! (RuntimeError)

./haproxyctl restart
stopping existing haproxy on pid 20317...
waiting a ms...
checking if haproxy is still running...
starting haproxy...
done.  running on pid 20348

keeps all the regular UNIX socket stuff

./haproxyctl "show stat"

Enables or disables a target server from every backend it appears.

./haproxyctl "show health"
# pxname        svname               status  weight
http            FRONTEND             OPEN       
sinatra         sinatra_downoi       DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_rindica      DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_guinea       UP      1  
sinatra         BACKEND              UP      1  
ei              guinea               UP      1  
ei              BACKEND              UP      1  
drop            guinea               UP      1  
drop            BACKEND              UP      1  
apache          guinea               UP      1  
apache          BACKEND              UP      1  
static          ngnix_downoi         UP      1  
static          ngnix_petite         UP      1  
static          ngnix_rindica        UP      1  
static          nginx_stellatus      UP      1  
static          nginx_belem          UP      1  
static          nginx_petite         MAINT   1  
static          apache_guinea        UP      1  
static          BACKEND              UP      6  
ssh             localhost            UP      1  
ssh             BACKEND              UP      1  

./haproxyctl "disable all guinea"
./haproxyctl "show health"
  pxname        svname               status  weight
http            FRONTEND             OPEN       
sinatra         sinatra_downoi       DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_rindica      DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_guinea       UP      1  
sinatra         BACKEND              UP      1  
ei              guinea               MAINT   1  
ei              BACKEND              DOWN    0  
drop            guinea               MAINT   1  
drop            BACKEND              DOWN    0  
apache          guinea               MAINT   1  
apache          BACKEND              DOWN    0  
static          ngnix_downoi         UP      1  
static          ngnix_petite         UP      1  
static          ngnix_rindica        UP      1  
static          nginx_stellatus      UP      1  
static          nginx_belem          UP      1  
static          nginx_petite         UP      1  
static          apache_guinea        UP      1  
static          BACKEND              UP      1  
ssh             localhost            UP      1  
ssh             BACKEND              UP      1  

Has an EXCEPT flag, too

./haproxyctl "enable all EXCEPT apache_guinea"
./haproxyctl "show health"
  pxname        svname               status  weight
http            FRONTEND             OPEN       
sinatra         sinatra_downoi       DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_rindica      DOWN    1  
sinatra         sinatra_guinea       UP      1  
sinatra         BACKEND              UP      1  
ei              guinea               UP      1  
ei              BACKEND              UP      1  
drop            guinea               UP      1  
drop            BACKEND              UP      1  
apache          guinea               UP      1  
apache          BACKEND              UP      1  
static          ngnix_downoi         UP 1/2  1  
static          ngnix_petite         UP 1/2  1  
static          ngnix_rindica        UP 1/2  1  
static          nginx_stellatus      UP 1/2  1  
static          nginx_belem          UP 1/2  1  
static          nginx_petite         UP 1/2  1  
static          apache_guinea        UP      1  
static          BACKEND              UP      7  
ssh             localhost            UP      1  
ssh             BACKEND              UP      1 


This code is released under the MIT License. You should feel free to do whatever you want with it.


Rhapr: Ruby Wrapper for HAProxy






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