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Node React Render JavaScript Configuration

Justin Gordon edited this page Sep 10, 2018 · 1 revision

You can configure the renderer with only ENV values using the provided bin file vm-renderer.

You can also create a custom configuration file to setup and launch the vm-renderer.

The values in this file must be kept in sync with with the config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb file, as documented in [[Ruby Configuration].

Here are the options available for the JavaScript renderer configuration object, as well as the available default ENV values if using the command line program vm-renderer.

  1. port (default: process.env.RENDERER_PORT || 3800) - The port renderer should listen to. If setting the port, you might want to ensure the port uses process.env.PORT so it will use port number provided by Heroku environment.
  2. logLevel (default: process.env.RENDERER_LOG_LEVEL || 'info') - Log lever for renderer. Set it to 'error' to turn logging off. Available levels are: { error: 0, warn: 1, info: 2, verbose: 3, debug: 4, silly: 5 }
  3. bundlePath (default: process.env.RENDERER_BUNDLE_PATH || '/tmp/react-on-rails-pro-vm-renderer-bundles' ) - path to temp directory where uploaded bundle files will be stored. For example you can set it to path.resolve(__dirname, './tmp/bundles') if you configured renderer from the / directory of your app.
  4. workersCount (default: env.RENDERER_WORKERS_COUNT || defaultWorkersCount() where default is your CPUs count - 1) - Number of workers that will be forked to serve rendering requests. If you set this manually make sure that value is a Number and is >= 1.
  5. password (default: env.RENDERER_PASSWORD) - Password expected to receive form Rails client to authenticate rendering requests. If no password set, no authentication will be required.
  6. allWorkersRestartInterval (default: env.RENDERER_ALL_WORKERS_RESTART_INTERVAL) - Interval in minutes between scheduled restarts of all cluster of workers. By default restarts are not enabled. If restarts are enabled, delayBetweenIndividualWorkerRestarts should also be set.
  7. delayBetweenIndividualWorkerRestarts (default: env.RENDERER_DELAY_BETWEEN_INDIVIDUAL_WORKER_RESTARTS) - Interval in minutes between individual worker restarts (when cluster restart is triggered). By default restarts are not enabled. If restarts are enabled, allWorkersRestartInterval should also be set.

Example Launch Files

Testing example:


Simple example:

Create a file './vm-renderer.js'

import path from 'path';
import { reactOnRailsProVmRenderer } from 'react-on-rails-pro-vm-renderer';

const config = {
  // Save bundles to relative "./tmp/bundles" dir of our app 
  bundlePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './tmp/bundles'), 
  // All other values are the defaults, as described above 

// Renderer detects a total number of CPUs on virtual hostings like Heroku or CircleCI instead
// of CPUs number allocated for current container. This results in spawning many workers while
// only 1-2 of them really needed.
if (process.env.CI) {
  config.workersCount = 2;


And add this line to your scripts section of package.json

  "scripts": {
    "start": "echo 'Starting React on Rails Pro VM Renderer.' && node ./vm-renderer.js"

yarn start will run the renderer.