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Simbiose Android Utils (SAU)

This a collection of utilities for android development, like Log Manager, Shared Preferences Management, SQLite management, Easy share, Key Key Map, Copy Assests easy, open documents with correct intent, decrypt & encrypt strings, Remote Image View and a lot of others littles things.

##License GNU Lesser General Public License at version 3


##About Simbiose


Fell free to fork, modify and send a pull request.

##How to

Clone with recursive tag the sau repository and import the /android project named SAU to eclipse and add it a android library on your android application and now you're ready to use it. You also can see the documentation on /doc/index.html

##Get It



SimbiLog.print("Hello World"); //Print a normal String
SimbiLog.print(param1, foo1, foo2); //You can print a lot of objects
SimbiLog.printException(new Exception("A mock exception")); //Print Exceptions
SimbiLog.log(this, param1, foo1, null, foo2); //You can log your methods; //Easy "here" print


Foo foo = (Foo) JsonUtils.fromJsonOrNull("{}", Foo.class); //You can load objects from json strings powered by GSON core
JsonUtils.toJson(foo); //You can make json Strings from objects easily

###Shared Preferences

PreferencesHelper myPrefs = new PreferencesHelper(getContext());
myPrefs.put("Any Key", "Any Value"); //You can easily save data on shared preferences
myPrefs.put("Any Key", new Foo()); //You can storage objects too
myPrefs.getString("Any Key", "Default"); //Read is easy too
myPrefs.getStringOrEmpty(keyString); //if you do not want a default values
myPrefs.getObjectOrNull(keyObject, Foo.class); //Read objects

###Key Key Map

KeyKeyMap keyKeyMap = new KeyKeyMap(); //Know the KeyKey Map

String key1 = "Key 1"; //You can use any key, a String
int key2 = 2; //any number
Foo key3 = new Foo(); //or Objects too

keyKeyMap.put(key1, key2); //Now you mapped key1 <-> key2
keyKeyMap.get(key1); //returns the key2
keyKeyMap.get(key2); //returns the key1
keyKeyMap.get(key3); //returns null because you not mapped the key3

keyKeyMap.put(key1, key3); //Now you mapped key1 <-> key3 and key1 <- key2
keyKeyMap.get(key1); //returns the key3
keyKeyMap.get(key3); //returns the key1
keyKeyMap.get(key2); //returns the key1 too
keyKeyMap.get(null); //returns null

keyKeyMap.put(null, key3); //Now you mapped null <-> key3, key1 -> key3 and key1 <- key2
keyKeyMap.get(null); //returns key3
keyKeyMap.get(key3); //returns null

###Simple Encryption and Decryption of Strings

Encryption encryption = new Encryption(); //The encryptor
String key = "Some Key"; //The secret key to encrypt
String data = "top secret string"; //The text to be encrypted
String encrypted = encryption.encrypt(key, data); //Create the encrypted String
SimbiLog.print(encrypted); //Just to you see
String decrypted = encryption.decrypt(key, encrypted); //Back to original String
SimbiLog.print(decrypted); //Just to you see again


import static; //It is like the range of python
for (int i : range(3)) //passes through the numbers 0, 1 and 2
	SimbiLog.print("range example a", i);
for (int i : range(-4)) //passes through the numbers 0, -1, -2 and -3
	SimbiLog.print("range example b", i);
for (int i : range(4, 7)) //passes through the numbers 4, 5 and 6
	SimbiLog.print("range example c", i);
for (int i : range(-5, -30, 10)) //passes through the numbers -5, -15 and -25
	SimbiLog.print("range example d", i);

###Range Seek Bar ####See the sample running to a better understanding of what the Range Seek Bar is

//put on xml file

RangeSeekBar<Integer> rangeSeekBar = (RangeSeekBar<Integer>) findViewById(; //load from xml
rangeSeekBar.init( //init the params
    0, //min value
    100, //max value
    BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.scrubber_control_normal_holo), //image to be the control BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.scrubber_control_pressed_holo), //image to be the controll pressed
    this); //set listener and ends
rangeSeekBar.setNormalizedMinValue(0.3f); //default min value
rangeSeekBar.setNormalizedMaxValue(0.7f); //default max value
rangeSeekBar.setNotifyWhileDragging(true); //call listener when drawing
rangeSeekBar.setLineColor(Color.rgb(0, 153, 0)); //line color

####it will show something like that: Range Seek Bar

###Clipboard Text View ####A TextView that when is clicked copy your text to clipboard

//put on xml file
    android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" />

ClipboardTextView myCTV = (ClipboardTextView) findViewById(; //load from xml
myCTV.setCopyListener(new CopiedInterface(){ //set interface
    public void textHasCopied(ClipboardTextView clipboardTextView, String stringCopied, boolean hasSucces) {
	    SimbiLog.print(stringCopied, hasSucces); //show the value

###Remote Image View ####A remote image view tha make cache of downloaded image

//Do not need java code
    sau:imageUrl="https://any.png" />

//But you can use java code too
RemoteImageView remoteImageView = new RemoteImageView(context); //create a view or load from xml if prefers
remoteImageView.setImageUrl("https://any.png"); //any image url
remoteImageView.setErrorImage(R.drawable.remote_image_fail); //a local image resource to be used when download fails
remoteImageView.setDefaultImage(R.drawable.remote_image_default); //a local image resource to be used when download is not ended
remoteImageView.deleteCachedImage(); //Maybe you wants delete the cached image
remoteImageView.start(); //Starts download proccess


SimbiShare.shareWithChooser(this, R.string.hello_world, R.string.app_name, R.string.action_share); //an easy way to share with android native choose method
SimbiShare.shareWithChooser(this, "content", "subject", "title"); //you can use Strings too

###Toast maker

ToastMaker.toast(getApplicationContext(), "Some Text"); //show toasts easily
ToastMaker.toast(getApplicationContext(), R.string.hello_world); //use strings xml resources too
ToastMaker.toast(getApplicationContext()); // Toast just a "here"

###Resize Animation

ResizeAnimation resizeAnimation = new ResizeAnimation(view, toHeight, toWidth); //Resive the view to new height and width
resizeAnimation.setDuration(resizeDuration); //set the duration of animation
resizeAnimation.setAnimationListener(this); //set the listener if you want
view.startAnimation(resizeAnimation); //start it

###SQLite ####powered by Shiva

//To use SQLite easily extends our class DatabaseHelper like bellow
public class SqlManager extends DatabaseHelper {
    public SqlManager(Context context, DatabaseDelegate delegate) {
	    super(context, delegate, "yourDatabase.sqlite", 1);
    protected List<Class<?>> getModelsToBeCreatedOnDatabase() {
        //create this list to add the classes that you want save on database
	    List<Class<?>> clazzez = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
	    //add any classes that you want
	    return clazzez;
    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        //normal onUpgrade of android sqlite

//before we use, we need create a delegate. You can implements DatabaseDelegate interface on your own class too
DatabaseDelegate delegate = new DatabaseDelegate() {
	public void onRequestSuccess(DatabaseHelper databaseHelper, int requestId, Object object) {
	    //do anything that you want, the object is the return os a select for example
	public void onRequestFail(DatabaseHelper databaseHelper, int requestId, Exception exception) {
	    //if fails

//now we can use our sqlite easily
new SqlManager(getApplicationContext(), this).insert(new SqlFooModel(), REQUEST_ADD); //insert
new SqlManager(getApplicationContext(), delegate).select(SqlFooModel.class, REQUEST_LOAD); //select
new SqlManager(getApplicationContext(), this).delete(object, REQUEST_DELETE); //delete
new SqlManager(getApplicationContext(), this).clearTable(REQUEST_DELETE_ALL, SqlFooModel.class); //clear table

###Open Documents

new ActivityUtils(this).openDocumentWithCorrectActivity("/path/to/text.txt"); //open the txt file with correct intent
new ActivityUtils(this).openDocumentWithCorrectActivity("/path/to/doc.ods"); //works to any file format since the android device has the correctly app to open this file format
new ActivityUtils(this).openDocumentWithCorrectActivity("/path/to/music.ogg"); //just more one example

###Array Adapter ####to be used on list views or fragments adapters

//first extends the class AbstractAdapter and send the type of object used by your adapter
public class MyAdapter extends AbstractAdapter<FooModel> {
    public interface MyAdapterDelegate extends IAbstractAdapter<FooModel> {
    public SqlListViewAdapter(Context context, MyAdapterDelegate delegate) {
	    super(context, delegate, R.layout.your_xml_layout);

//it's all but probably you want edit your views so you can override getView method like:
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
	View rootView = super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
	// do anything with your rootView, to get views inside use rootView.findViewById(id);
	return rootView;

###Copy files from assest to an usable folder

ActivityUtils activityUtils = new ActivityUtils(this);
// we need files on sdcard, so we go copy from assests to a folder called sauSample on sdcard
path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/sauSample/";
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
    ToastMaker.toast(getApplicationContext(), e);

###Get primary user email

//you need the follow permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />

//and you need the follow code
DeviceInformationsManager dim = new DeviceInformationsManager(context)
String email = dim.getPrimaryUserEmailOrNull()

###Null or Empty validation

NullOrEmpty.verify(""); //returns true
NullOrEmpty.verify("not empty"); //returns false
NullOrEmpty.verify(null); //returns true
ArrayList<Object> list = null;
NullOrEmpty.verify(list); //returns true
list = new ArrayList<Object>();
NullOrEmpty.verify(list); //returns true
list.add(new Foo());
NullOrEmpty.verify(list); //returns false

####SAU have a lot of more things, see the examples :D