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Plexxis Employees Backend


The Plexxis Employees Backend is a robust and efficient back-end service for the Plexxis Employees Front application. It's built using NestJS with TypeScript and provides CRUD operations for managing employee information through a REST API. The application uses PostgreSQL as the database and Prisma as the ORM.


  • CRUD operations for employee data
  • ValidatePipe for DTO format validation in a whitelist mode
  • Cursor-based pagination for efficient data handling
  • PostgreSQL for data storage
  • Prisma ORM for database operations
  • Search functionality for employee data

Technologies Used

  • NestJS with TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma ORM
  • ValidatePipe


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies.

    npm install
  3. Create a new .env file in the root folder and add the necessary database configuration variables.

  4. Run the database migrations.

    npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  5. Run the application.

    npm run start

The backend API will run on http://localhost:3001.

Application Flow

  1. The backend service receives requests from the front-end application and performs the necessary CRUD operations on the employee data.

  2. Requests are validated using NestJS's ValidatePipe in a whitelist mode. Only requests with valid data will be processed, while others will be filtered out.

  3. The application supports cursor-based pagination to efficiently handle large datasets and avoid potential performance issues.

  4. The backend service communicates with a PostgreSQL database using Prisma as the ORM for managing employee data.

  5. Search functionality is provided for employee data. If a search parameter is included, the API will perform a search. If no search parameter is present, the API will treat the request as a normal "findAll" request.

API Endpoints

  • GET /employees: Retrieve a list of employees with cursor-based pagination and optional search functionality
  • GET /employees/:id: Retrieve a specific employee by ID
  • POST /employees: Create a new employee
  • PATCH /employees/:id: Update an existing employee by ID
  • DELETE /employees/:id: Delete an employee by ID


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