A bot that forwards content from a VK group to a Telegram channel
- Forward post photos and videos
- Forward story videos
- Polling VK once per hour to forward new content
- HTTP endpoint to force forwarding cycle
- 1 DB row per each VK-Telegram group-channel pair
The main challenge is to obtain a VK token. Besides that, the process is straightforward.
Follow the instructions:
Create a VK app here https://id.vk.com/about/business/go
If you have russian ID, then go to the Access tab and provide personal information
If you don't have russian ID, then you have to email [email protected] the following details:
- ID of the account on the service https://id.vk.com/about/business/go
- Information about the type of identity document: passport/ID card/other.
- Country of issue of the document
- Information about the number of the identity document: series, number, and other data
- Phone number, which, if necessary, can be used for communication for data verification
A reply should arrive within several working days
In the Access tab toggle on Wall, Communities, Stories, and Videos advanced access (some accesses might be redundant).
Go to the App tab and fill the
Base domain
field withlocalhost
Trusted redirect URL
Generate a token. Registering a separate VK account and generating the token by its name is a good idea.
- Send the request via browser to get
:Some scopes might be redundant.https://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id=<App ID>&display=page&redirect_uri=https://localhost&scope=offline,photos,video,wall,groups,stories,status&response_type=code&v=5.199
- Send the request via browser to get a
:https://oauth.vk.com/access_token?client_id=<App ID>&client_secret=<Secure key>&redirect_uri=https://localhost&code=<code>
- Send the request via browser to get
Find https://t.me/BotFather Telegram bot, send /newbot
command, and follow the instructions.
The best way to run the app is using IntelliJ. Clone the repo and open it with IntelliJ. Run/Debug configurations
will be used to run the app. Create a Maven configuration with the following details in the fields:
- Run -
clean package -DskipTests=true
- Profiles -
automation docker
- Modify options -> Select Add VM options
- VM options:
Make sure Docker is up and press the Run button to build the project.
Run docker compose -f .\target\docker\test\docker-compose.yml up -d
to start the app.
Use a DB GUI to access Postgres. Use the credentials from this env file.
Add a row into the vk_group_details
INSERT INTO vk_group_details (vk_group_id,tg_channel_id)
VALUES (<VK group id>,'<TG channel id>');
The table column's description
id | vk_group_id | last_forwarded_post_date_time | last_forwarded_story_date_time | tg_channel_id |
Optional | Required | Optional | Optional | Required |
Autogenerated id | See this FAX to know how to get it | By default is taken as current time minus 1 hour | By default is taken as current time minus 24 hours | Use https://t.me/myidbot to get the id |
To start forwarding you can either restart the app container or send the HTTP request GET http://localhost:9015/forward
with the Authorization
header 1234
The app can be deployed manually or using generaltao725/docker-webhook tool.