This module helps to access PHY registers over MDIO. It is designed to be used with a Raspberry Pi and the wiringpi library.
On Raspberry Pi open a shell and type
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install wiringpi2
I tested it with an RPi2 and connected the cables this way:
- MDIO on pin 9 and MDC on pin 8
- MDIO on pin 25 and MDC on pin 24
For a graphic please see the Raspberry Pi B++ Leaf and use the gray numbers!
from mdio import MDIO
import logging as log
mc = MDIO(mdcpin = 8,mdiopin = 9)
mc.ResetPhy(phyAddr = PHYADDR)
if mc.CheckPhy(phyAddr = PHYAD_BR,r2 = 0x0362,r3 = 0x5cc6):
log.critical("Could not find BCM54811!")
mc.WriteRegister(phyAddr = PHYAD_BR, regAddr = 0x00, value = 0x1000)
while mc.CheckLink(PHYAD_BR) == 0:
Code was tested with BCM54811 and the basic functions should run on all PHY supporting clause 22.