Encode and validate an Ethereum address against EIP-55 checksum in Elixir.
The package can be installed by adding :eip_55
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
defp deps do
{:eip_55, "~> 0.1"}
iex> EIP55.encode("0x5aaeb6053f3e94c9b9a09f33669435e7ef1beaed")
{:ok, "0x5aAeb6053F3E94C9b9A09f33669435E7Ef1BeAed"}
iex> EIP55.encode(<<90, 174, 182, 5, 63, 62, 148, 201, 185, 160,
...> 159, 51, 102, 148, 53, 231, 239, 27, 234, 237>>)
{:ok, "0x5aAeb6053F3E94C9b9A09f33669435E7Ef1BeAed"}
iex> EIP55.valid?("0x5aAeb6053F3E94C9b9A09f33669435E7Ef1BeAed")
iex> EIP55.valid?("0x5AAEB6053f3e94c9b9a09f33669435e7ef1beaed")
Full documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/eip_55.
This library uses :ex_sha3
which is a pure Elixir implementation making it
significantly slower than an NIF-based library like :sha3
If you have a demand for high-performance EIP-55 encoding/validation, let me know. Maybe we can then add a NIF-based version.
EIP-55 is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for further details.