Code for the fully-reproducible t-shirt for useR! 2014. Feel free to submit pull requests!
Our goal is to have an image on the front of the shirt that is created entirely using R code, with the code displayed on the back of the shirt. Right now, the image on the front will be the letter R, filled with the phrases "useR!" "2014" and "Los Angeles." If you have a better idea, submit a pull request. We'll be freezing development a few weeks before the conference in order to print the shirt, check back here for the closing date.
(And if you haven't already, register for the conference at
We're getting lots of great submissions, and some of them are quite different from one another. So for now, we're going to hold all submissions as separate branches. I just merged/reverted several times (sorry if you got many notifications) so we should be good with current submissions, but if you want to make a new submission, please submit a pull request to a new branch with your username.