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Python Flask CRUD Application

This repository contains a Python Flask-based CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application. The project is containerized using Docker, integrates with Redis for caching, and can be deployed to Kubernetes using Helm.


  • Flask-based REST API for CRUD operations
  • Dockerized for containerization
  • Redis integration for caching
  • Kubernetes Helm charts for deployment
  • HTML templates for user interaction


To run this project, you need the following tools installed:

  • Python 3.8+
  • Docker: For containerizing the application
  • Redis: For caching
  • Kubernetes with Helm: For deployment

Project Structure

├── /create/                           # Flask app for 'create' operation
├── /create/Dockerfile                       # Dockerfile for 'create' service
├── /home/                             # Flask app for home page
├── /home/Dockerfile                         # Dockerfile for 'home' service
├── /read/                             # Flask app for 'read' operation
├── /read/Dockerfile                         # Dockerfile for 'read' service
├── /update/                           # Flask app for 'update' operation
├── /update/Dockerfile                       # Dockerfile for 'update' service
├── /delete/                           # Flask app for 'delete' operation
├── /delete/Dockerfile                       # Dockerfile for 'delete' service
├── /redis/redis.conf                        # Redis configuration file
├── /redis/Dockerfile                        # Dockerfile for Redis service
├── /templates/form.html                     # HTML form for create/update operations
├── /templates/list.html                     # HTML template for listing items
├── /templates/error.html                    # HTML template for error page
├── /Helm/Chart.yaml                         # Helm chart metadata
├── /Helm/values.yaml                        # Default Helm values
├── /Helm/templates/deployment.yaml          # Kubernetes Deployment configuration
├── /Helm/templates/service.yaml             # Kubernetes Service definition
├── /Dockerfile                              # Dockerfile for the entire app
├── /requirements.txt                        # Python dependencies
└── /                               # Project README (this file)

Installation and Setup

1. Clone the Repository

To get started, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd python_flask

2. Set Up Python Environment

It’s recommended to use a virtual environment to isolate dependencies. Install Python dependencies from requirements.txt:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Running the Application Locally

Navigate to each service directory (e.g., /create, /read, etc.) and start the Flask app. Here’s an example for the create service:

cd /create
flask run

Repeat for other services (home, read, update, delete) by navigating to each respective directory and running the app.

Docker Setup

1. Build Docker Images

Each service has its own Dockerfile located in its directory. You can build Docker images for each service like this:

# For the create service
cd /create
docker build -t create-service .

# For the read service
cd /read
docker build -t read-service .

# Repeat for update, delete, home

2. Run Docker Containers

After building Docker images, you can run each service in a container:

# Run the create service container
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 create-service

# Run the read service container
docker run -d -p 5001:5000 read-service

Repeat this for other services (home, update, delete).

Kubernetes Deployment

1. Helm Chart Deployment

The application is configured to be deployed using Helm. Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster and Helm installed. To deploy the app:

# Deploy the application using Helm
cd /Helm
helm install crud-app .

2. Accessing the Application

After deployment, you can access each service through the NodePort or Ingress (depending on your configuration).

Redis Integration

The application uses Redis as a caching mechanism. The Redis configuration is located in /redis/redis.conf, and a Dockerfile is provided to containerize Redis. Build and run Redis as follows:

cd /redis
docker build -t redis-service .
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis-service