WH Test JAVA Repository -- Java examples and test files
This is a simple repository with multiple sample JAVA programs. These are
simple programs that may be used as examples for writing JAVA programs.
This project may be public, but it does not yet serve any specific purpose.
It may in the future.... At this point it includes a bunch of sample
JAVA programs, some based on JAVA examples.
- 0.1 10/6/2015 created
This document is in a parsable format similar to asciidoc. I have used this format for MANY years (I may upload a tool or migrate to asciidoc).
This project is mainly to create some examples in the JAVA language. It is loosely based on my wh_test_py github repository.
License for ALL files is GPL, see LICENSE.
Please e-mail me with any updates, suggesions, etc.
Programs include TBD.
After running the programs, run make clean to remove test files.