Created by Optimal Workshop and World IA Day, the State of Information Architecture is an open resource for understanding the practice and boundaries of information architecture education and work.
The 2021 survey is now available from 10 June through 31 December 2021.
- Arabic:
- English:
- Italian/Italiano:
- Spanish/Español:
The latest State of IA report can be found in /2020 (PDF)
In 1998, the book Information Architecture for the World Wide Web was published. A year later, the first IA Summit convened in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. In 2002, the Information Architecture Institute was founded. The first European IA Summit took place in 2005 in Brussels, Belgium. Now, the topic of information architecture is nearly absent, save for sitemaps and navigation.
How relevant is information architecture? Is IA dead? Even more than before, information architecture is necessary and essential for helping the world’s people make sense of the connected world around them.
The purpose of this research study is to look deeply at
- who is practicing information architecture today,
- what kind of work are they doing and
- how they’re doing it.
We’ll look at how people understand information architecture and what they anticipate for the future of this work.
At the same time, this research will document the state of the practice and field of information architecture in 2021 and set a baseline for future research, development, and understanding of information architecture.
We hope that this report will share this understanding that while the title of “information architect” wanes throughout the times, our work and study-whether in design, research, industry-have some association with the principles of information architecture.
We're looking for researchers, editors, proofreaders, translators! Let us know that you want to help out by creating a new issue
Title: Requst to join the project
Message: How you want to help
All the information we collect will be anonymized and made publicly available. We encourage everyone to explore the data, react to it, and help improve the research over time. We'll produce and share an official report once the data has been gathered and analyze.
Create an issue or email us at [email protected]
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Thank you to all the people who contributed to the creation and translation of the survey. Listed in the order the surveys were made available:
- Arabic: Ghada Kandil, Nada Ashour, Sirin Abukhafajah
- English: Grace Lau, Kelsey Thomson, Alesha Arp, Ghada Kandil, Andrea Rosenbusch, Alannah Rosa, Teresa Nguyen
- Italian/Italiano: Paolo Montevecchi, Eleonora Corti
- Spanish: Luis Alveart
We'll be needing help to analyze the results in January 2022. If you're interested, email us at [email protected]!