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Send and receive files from anyone. Integrate to your products. Minimalist.


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Hupload is a minimalist file sharing solution for your customers.

With technical support in mind, it simplifies the process of sharing log files or support bundles from/to your users.

It is a web portal and an API for direct integration into your products.

The overall concept is that share names are random tokens that can be generated by Hupload and are publicly accessible so users don't have to log in to upload content. SHare creation page is protected by a password or single sign-on.

Note that "Copy" buttons will not work over insecure connection (http without SSL)


Admin page

Shares list Shares list

Share page with upload box

Share content Share content

Advanced share settings

Share properties Share properties

Markdown preview

Markdown preview Markdown preview

Environment variables

Variable Description
CONFIG Path to config.yml
HTTP_PORT Port to run web service
JWT_SECRET Random string used to sign sessions cookies


  • Quickly create random links and share with users,
  • Easy to use drag and drop interface,
  • S3 or filesystem storage,
  • Configurable max share size and max file size,
  • Basic share informations listed (number of items, total size),
  • Add instructions in Markdown for your users and define your own reusable templates.
  • Download a zip archive of all files in a share,
  • Automatic dark mode following OS settings,
  • Multi user (all admins see all shares, but see their own listed separately first),
  • Flat user file or OIDC authentication,
  • API first, everything can be done through REST calls,
  • English and French translations,
  • Minimalist, clean interface.


By default, Hupload uses data/ directory and admin user with a randomly generated password that is displayed in the logs during startup.

If a configuration file is provided in CONFIG environment variable, it will be used to configure storage backend and authentication.

Sample configuration file :

# Web site name for the title bar
Title: Hupload

# By default shares will be created for upload only
default_exposure: upload

# By default, shares will be available for 7 days
default_validity_days: 7

# Registered users will only see their own shares
hide_other_shares: false

  type: file
    path: config/users.yml
  type: file
    path: data
    max_file_mb: 512
    max_share_mb: 2048

For authentication, users are defined in a yaml file :

- username: user1
  password: $2y$10$LIcTF3HKNhV6qh3oi3ysHOnhiXpLOU22N61JzZXoSWQbNOpDhS/g.
- username: user2
  password: $2y$10$Rwj3rjfmXuflxds.uhgKReiXFy5VRziYuDDw/aO1w9ut9BzafTFr6

Passwords are hashes that you can generate with htpasswd :

To generate a hash for hupload password string :

htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" hupload | tr -d ":"

S3 Storage

  type: s3
    region: us-east-1
    use_path_style: true
    aws_key: <aws_key>
    aws_secret: <aws_secret>
    bucket: hupload
    max_file_mb: 512
    max_share_mb: 2048

S3 options can also be set in environment using AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_ENDPOINT_URL. Options set in configuration file have precedence.

Note that region is mandatory for AWS API to work correctly even if you are using your own S3 server like minio.


OIDC redirect url is /oidc and you can provide configuration details with the following :

  type: oidc
    client_id: <client_id>
    client_secret: <client_secret>

Canned messages

When creating a share you can use markdown to display a custom message with instructions to the user.

You can pre-define canned messages in the configuration file :

  - title: Welcome to Hupload
    message: |
      Hupload is a simple file sharing service.

      You can upload files up to 3MB and share up to 5MB.

  - title: Log collection
    message: |
      ### Collecting support bundle

      You can download a support bundle from the home page in the
      **About** menu. Download the file and upload it here.

Run in a container

You can quickly test Hupload in a container, or run it in production :

Note that the container is built to run Hupload as nonroot user (65532), and needs access to the shares directory

mkdir data
chown 65532:65532 data
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data -p 8080:8080

Alternatively, you can use the compose.yml file provided. Username is admin and password is hupload as defined in hupload/config/users.yml.sample

docker compose up


The following endpoints are available under /api/v1

Basic Authentication Required

Type URL Description
GET /shares Get a list of all shares
POST /shares Create a new share with a random name (See parameters)
POST /shares/{share} Create a new share named {share} (See parameters)
PATCH /shares/{share} Update share parameters (See parameters)
DELETE /shares/{share} Delete a share and all its content
GET /shares/{share}/items/{item} Get an {item} (file) content. Authentication not required if share is exposed as download or both
GET /d/{share}/{item} Alias to get an file content (See above)

Public Endpoints

Type URL Description
POST /shares/{share}/items/{item} Post a new file {item} in {share} (multipart form encoded)
GET /shares/{share} Get a {share} content


When creating or updateing a new share, you can define parameters in the JSON body :

Key Type Description
validity number Number of days the share is valid
exposure enum["upload","download","both"] Whether guest users can upload files, download files or do both
description string A short description displayed in shares view
message string Instructions in markdown visible to the guest