Welcome to the experimental golr-numbers-service test server.
At the top of the golr-numbers-service repo, assuming you have a decently recent version of node:
- npm install
- node ./lib/gns.js -g http://golr.berkeleybop.org/solr/ -p 6455
Then point your browser to: http://localhost:6455
Given some gene IDs, find the number of terms associated with them by group, single counting a gene product / term relationship (i.e. all annotations count for "1").
You can optionally a one or more "s" parameters to filter counts by (transitive) species.
Given some term IDs, find the number of the number of gene products associated with each one.
You can optionally a one or more "s" parameters to filter counts by (transitive) species.
Get an overview of the total database counts.
You can optionally a one or more "s" parameters to filter gene production and annotation counts by (transitive) species.