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ION-Core for Linux (and WSL)

Build & Install

Be sure you have the tools installed:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install make gcc

Manually get the ION Open Source Code and Build ion-core

Get the ION Open Source Code:

tar -zxvf ion-open-source-4.1.3.tar.gz

Get the ION-Core Repo, Extract Source File, Build and Install

git clone
cd ion-core
git checkout tags/4.1.3
./scripts/ ../ion-open-source-4.1.3
sudo make install

Automatically get the ION Open Source Code and Build ion-core

You can also run ./scripts/ without supplying the path to an existing ION source code folder. In that case, the script will automatically download the appropriate ION open source code into a tmp directory and extract the needed files into ion-core.

Then run make and sudo make install.

Selecting ION-core Features to Build

You can select the features you want to include in ion-core build by updating the file. See the file for the list of features.

At least one CLA must be selected. All necessary programs/daemons associated with a feature or a CLA are listed on one line, so when commenting/uncommenting features, please do so at the "line level", not the individual program.

You can select build for either 32-bit or 64-bit Operating Systems.

You can also select which bundle protocol extension blocks to include for locally sourced bundles.

Save the changes to the, remove the old installation by running make clean, sudo make uninstall, and then rebuild ion-core.

Extension Blocks Build Options

As of ion-core 4.1.3, the file enables toggling which extension blocks will be added to locally created bundle. Here are some of the limitations:

  1. Support for all extension blocks types, however, remains mandatory:
    • PBN_EXT : Previous Node Extension Block
    • BPQ_EXT : Bundle Protocol QoS Extension Block
    • BAE_EXT : Bundle Age Extension Block
    • SNW_EXT : Spray and Wait Permit Extension Block
    • IMC_EXT : IMC Multicast Extension Block
  2. There is not yet control available, through to set whether each locally created extension block should use CRC16, CRC32, or none applied. The default value is noCRC in the ./scripts/bpextension-ion-core.c.
  3. The file ./scripts/bpextension-ion-core.c is manually derived from the ION open-source; it is modified to support the toggling of which extension blocks to include in locally created bundle.
  4. This is the only ION source file modified by ion-core release. This modification is manually performed by the ion-core development team right now. This file is re-evaluated for each ion-core release to make sure it is taylored for the most likely use case for users. The user of ion-core can further modify it to suite their deployment/testing needs.

Man Page Installation


sudo make man

Creating ION configuration (".rc") files for a two-node setup

./scripts/ <IP-this-host> <IP-the-other-host>

For example:


Makes the config file host192.rc and places it inside the folder host192_testdir. You can run lauch ION by cd into the directory cd host192_testdir and run ionstart -I host192.rc.

For the other host, run the same command with the order of IP addresses reversed.

The default protocol stack is BP/LTP but you can select the UDP or STCP CLAs if they are included in the

To generate configuration files using either UDP or the STCP CLA, add either udp or stcp as the third argument to For example, to generate configuration using STCP, run

./scripts/ stcp

Similar syntax goes for udp.

To use other convergence layers such as UDP or STCP, you will need to modify the .rc files. See the ION documentation for more information. For example, you may consult the ION Configuration Tutorials and Configuration Templates.

Post installation test

After installation, you can run the following command to test the installation for each of the CLAs included in the build:

make test

The result of the test will be captured in a file, in the tests directory, under the name progress. Previous test results will be moved to a new file with date-time stamps.

There are three tests currently available: bench-ltp, bench-stcp, and bench-udp. Each test will be invoked if the corresponding CLA is included in the build. Each test includes attempts to send different combinations of number of bundles and bundle sizes. If all transmissions are successful, the test will be marked as PASSED. If not, the test output on the console as well as the progress file will capture data for analysis.

Clean up process

To remove executables and libraries installed in the host, run: sudo make clean To clean up the compilation artifacts, run: make clean To remove all complication artifacts, as well as all ION source and test files extracted from the ION open source code, run: make distclean

Automated Script to Build, Install, and Test Ion-core on Two Hosts

To streamline the process, we have created two bash scripts that can automate the build, installation, and testing of ion-core.

To build and install ion-core, run:


To run a bping test between two nodes. On host A, run ./scripts/ <IP Address of Host A> <IP Address of the Host B> <opt: udp or stcp>

On host B, run

./scripts/ <IP Address of Host B> <IP Address of the Host A> <opt: udp or stcp>


  • This script will automatically create the ION configuration files needed and launch a bping test using BP and LTP CLA.
  • To ensure that all bping messages will be received by the peer DTN node, it is recommended that you run bping-echo on the second host first, and then run bping-send on the first host.
  • Both and takes an optional 3rd argument to specify either the udp or stcp CLAs. But they must be the same on both hosts to ensure compatibility.

On bping side, you will see ION starting and then bping launched automatically with output similar to the following:

... Wait 10 seconds for the other side to start ION...

run bping...
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=0 time=0.003641 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=1 time=0.001756 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=2 time=0.001767 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=3 time=0.001590 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=4 time=0.001676 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=5 time=0.001711 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=6 time=0.001766 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=7 time=0.001742 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=8 time=0.001675 s
64 bytes from ipn:12.2  seq=9 time=0.001663 s
10 bundles transmitted, 10 bundles received, 0.00% bundle loss, time 19.003910 s
rtt min/avg/max/sdev = 1.590/1.898/3.641/0.585 ms

bping SUCCESS!

On the receiving (echo) side, you will likely see:

Start bpecho...., Ctrl-C to stop.

Each . indicates that an 'echo' message has been sent back to acknowledge the reception of a 'bping' messages.

The test will end once the bping recieved echos for all ping messages.

At this point, ION will be running on both hosts and you may continue to run different applications until you stop ION by executing the ionstop script, which is globally installed for execution.

This test also generates two directories that you can use as template for future ION testing:

  • hostxx_testdir - this directory contains the ION configuration files for host A, whose IP address ends in xx.
  • hostyy_testdir - this directory contains the ION configuration files for host A, whose IP address ends in yy.

Within in each folder, you will find the ION log file ion.log which records the main events during previous runs and also, if present, current/on-going running instance of ION.

To launch ION manually, you will need to enter into the directory and execute the command ionstart -I hostxx.rc

Using the generated ION configuration folder, you can only launch one ION instance per host. To ability to run multiple ION instances in one host is utilized in automated regression testing (recall make test) and is a advanced topic described in the ION online documentation.

Adjusting Pre-Allocation of Memory/Storage Space for ION

ION is designed to run within a pre-allocated memory space. If, while running ION, you encounter errors due to a lack of working memory or SDR heap space, you can increase the pre-allocated allocation by modifying the host.ionconfig file and then regenerate configuration files using the ./scripts/ command. The current default ION SDR and working memory allocation is as follows:

configFlags 1
heapWords 15000000
sdrWmSize 15000000
wmSize 15000000

The configFlags value of 1 creates a Simple Data Recorder (SDR) instance in DRAM. The SDR provides the primary data storage for ION. The 'heap' space, where user data are buffered, is set to 15 mega words, each word is 64 bits (or 8 bytes) for a 64-bit platform. The sdrWmSize specifies the SDR's internal working memory space measured in bytes; the wmSize specifies the general ION working memory in bytes.

These values can be adjusted to control how much storage ION is allowed to consume in the host system. The proper setting requires some insight into the host system's capabilities, the traffic load ION is expected to handle as impacted by locally generated DTN traffic, and the average and peak inbound and outbound data rates of the network.

Pleaser consult the ionconfig manual page for a detailed explanation of the full set of configuration parameters.

Tuning LTP Performance

Actual throughput of LTP link protocol depends significantly on the underlying radio communication or wired network speed and reliability, the host system's processing speed, the frequency of communication contact, the size of the bundles being sent, the round trip delay between the two hosts, and also on the LTP configuration. Check the ltprc manual page entry for details on how to adjust LTP settings to maximize throughput.

In the ION source code's root directory, there is an Excel file named ION-LTP-configuration_tool.xlsm which can be used to generate recommended LTP settings for your configuration to maximize the throughput of your system.

Building Static Linking Library

To build a static linking library for ION, execute the command make lib, and the static library libioncore.a will be created in the lib directory. All the related object files are under the lib/object folder.

Contributing Code

Please see the file developer_notes.txt for more information.

WSL2 Networking Issue

WLS2 is known to have issues with VPN connection. One approach is to downgrade to WSL1:

In Windows Powershell get your name/version:

wsl -l -v

Set it to version 1:

wsl --set-version Ubuntu-22.04 1

Alternative approach is to use the WSL Vpnkit to provide VPN connection:

Release Notes

Latest Release

Tag: 4.1.3


  • Update codebase to ION open source verion 4.1.3
  • Add regression test for each available CLA
  • Add target to build static and shared libraries

Tag: 4.1.2b

Added ability to select/exclude certain features from build

Tag: 4.1.2a


  • Added STCP CLA to ver 4.1.2

Tag: 4.1.2


  • Based on ION Open Source 4.1.2
  • Initial public release of ion-core (prototype)
  • Basic features:
    • BPv7
    • CGR
    • LTP
    • UDPCL
    • IPN Nameing Scheme
    • Load-n-Go Command