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2016 02 04: Meeting of the Provisional Board of Directors

Herman van Rink edited this page Jul 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Meeting of the Provisional Board of Directors

Date and Location

February 4, 2016, at 20:00 UTC online at


The special meeting of the Aegir Cooperative Provisional Board was called to order at 20:12 (UTC) on Februrary 4, 2016 by Christopher Gervais.


  • Christopher Gervais (Montreal)
  • Herman van Rink (The Netherlands)
  • Guillaume Boudrias (Montreal)
  • Cameron Eagans (Boise, ID)
  • Jon Pugh (New York)
  • Joseph Leon (Western Mass)
  • Colan Schwartz (Toronto)
  • Nicholas Roberts (California)

Quorum Validation:


Determination of Presiding Officer(s)

It was agreed that Christopher Gervais preside over the meeting.

Old Business


New Business

1. Introductions

1.1. Introduction to the Aegir Cooperative project

1.2. Introduction of members

1.3 Discussion of shared vision

2. Where we stand now

Work towards founding the Aegir Coop began last fall. So far we've:

2.1. Discussion and questions

Q: Is Chris doing all the paperwork? A: So far yes, though Guillaume has volunteered to help and any further help is greatly appreciated.

Q: What is the official structure? A: Producer's coop.

[Explanation of the different types of legal structures for cooperatives in Canada]

The reason why a producer's coop makes the most sense is that we're distributed among several countries. If we were a worker's coop, labor laws would be very complex, whereas as a producer's coop can just deal with companies or individuals and leave to them the responsibility of knowing the countries' tax laws.

The documents (bylaws) should ideally be helpful to the members, not just a legal technicality.

We can use Jekyll for a blog and/or the meeting notes. We do have the wiki right now:

3. Next steps

Work remains to establish the coop. This includes:

  • Submit forms to register our cooperative status with the Québec Government
    • Requires:
      • Agreement on the form particulars
      • Signatures from founding members
  • Finalize Coop by-laws, req'd following acceptance of coop forms
    • Requires:
      • Further linking into Law on Cooperatives, for easy reference.
      • Further cleanup, editing and re-writing
      • Individual review by Provisional Board members
      • Review by Coop consultant (maybe)
  • Agree on business model:
    • Requires:
      • Review of financial model with coop members
  • Write business plan:
    • Requires:
      • Agreement on business model
      • Write-up of explanatory text
  • Finish building marketing site
    • Requires:
      • Some design work
      • Fleshing out text for
  • Register '' domain
    • Blocked by:
      • Need to provide Gov't coop approval for registration to proceed; may be able to reserve.
  • Finish and approve public policies
    • Requires:
      • Review and adoption by board
  • Organize and hold initial General Assembly to formally adopt by-laws, elect officers, etc.
    • Blocked by:
      • Need Gov't coop approval
      • Draft by-laws should be pre-approved by members
    • Requires:
      • Time, place and agenda to be established and communicated to members in writing.
  • Start a bank account
  • ...

3.1. Discussion and questions

3.2 Tasks

  • [Christopher] Send email re. coop forms

Special Projects


Next Meeting Date and Time

It was agreed to have the board meetings on Thursdays at 20:00 (UTC).

Currently the location is online at

Thus, the next board meeting is scheduled for Thursdays, February 11, 2016, at 20:00 (UTC).


At 21:00 UTC, Christopher Gervais adjourned the meeting.

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