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2016 03 17: Meeting of the Provisional Board of Directors

Herman van Rink edited this page Jul 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Meeting of the Provisional Board of Directors

Date and Location

March 17, 2016, at 20:00 UTC online at

N.B. Due to differences in time-zone adjustments for daylight savings time, we help this meeting an hour in advance. Sorry Herman!


The special meeting of the Aegir Cooperative Provisional Board was called to order at [time] (UTC) on [date] by [name].


  • Christopher Gervais
  • Guilaume Boudrias
  • Cameron Eagans
  • Mathieu Lutfy
  • Jon Pugh

Quorum Validation:


Determination of Chairperson(s)

It was agreed that Christopher preside over the meeting.

Old Business

Tasks from last meeting

  • [Christopher] Send follow-up email re. coop forms [done]
  • [Christopher] Send follow-up email re. business plan [done]
  • [Christopher] Follow-up w/ Forest Mars re. OpenCamps (AegirCamp?) [done]
  • [Christopher] Follow-up w/ GWU (AegirSummit?) [done]
  • [Christopher] Follow-up will contact GovCon re. training/in-kind-sponsorship [TBD]
  • [Herman, Christopher, ... ] Review -- being re-built on GPL theme. [TBD]

New Business

1. Review of Co-op docs

An overview of By-law 1, its purpose, and discussion of some of the decisions we will need to make before adopting it at our first General Assembly.

1.1. Discussion & questions

Special Projects

1. Founding of the Aegir Cooperative

Work remains to establish the coop. This includes:

  • Submit forms to register our cooperative status with the Québec Government
    • Requires:
      • Agreement on the form particulars
      • Signatures from founding members
  • Finalize Coop by-laws, req'd following acceptance of coop forms
    • Requires:
      • Further linking into Law on Cooperatives, for easy reference.
      • Further cleanup, editing and re-writing
      • Individual review by Provisional Board members
      • Review by Coop consultant (maybe)
  • Agree on business model:
    • Requires:
      • Review of financial model with coop members
  • Write business plan:
    • Requires:
      • Agreement on business model
      • Write-up of explanatory text
  • Finish building marketing site
    • Requires:
      • Some design work
      • Fleshing out text for
  • Register '' domain
    • Blocked by:
      • Need to provide Gov't coop approval for registration to proceed; may be able to reserve.
  • Finish and approve public policies
    • Requires:
      • Review and adoption by board
  • Organize and hold initial General Assembly to formally adopt by-laws, elect officers, etc.
    • Blocked by:
      • Need Gov't coop approval
      • Draft by-laws should be pre-approved by members
    • Requires:
      • Time, place and agenda to be established and communicated to members in writing.
  • Start a bank account
  • ...


Next Meeting Date and Time

It was agreed to have the board meetings on Thursdays at 20:00 (UTC). Currently the location is online at

Thus, the next board meeting is scheduled for Thursdays, [date], at 20:00 (UTC).


At 21:00, [name] made a motion to adjourn the meeting, [name] seconded it.

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